Sunday, October 25, 2015

"Afterlife" Might Be Three Hours or Longer. Oh, Boy...

While we're working on filming and trying to be wrapping up on American Nightmare 3D and possibly shooting another film as soon as we're done called Consumed 3D; I want to address the elephant in the room, Simon Lange and his return. We were planning on having Simon Lange back almost two years ago, but, we needed a budget. And also, with how American Nightmare 3D ends and establishing a "universe" in my films, AN3D has a connection with Simon Lange and Damien Frost. The plan was to make a sequel to American Nightmare 3D called the Next Day. The plan now is to integrate the Next Day into Afterlife thus making this an epic three hour feature, or possibly longer than three hours.

While we have shot most of the ending to AN3D with green screen elements which need finished with the bathroom back drop being a bloody mess. Simon Lange is not in the initially shot ending, but, who knows. We might just give a tease to Afterlife and bring a Simon Lange cameo into the film. That's not to say that the ending is all ready a tease to Afterlife.

We will be recasting and doing flashbacks for most of the characters who appeared in American Nightmare 3D as Christina will be playing a character known as "The Villain" in Afterlife and I will be playing Damien Frost and doing double duty with Jamie on Simon Lange. Lionel Wallace, played by Abby, will be re-casted as there is a Rebecca Lange flashback and footage from The Tape will be seen in Afterlife.

Another problem we might run across is the run time. If we make the movie long as in over three hours, we might have to divide the film in two. And the problem is where to say; "Roll Credits"! Even though I did a whole rant and didn't really get to focus and concentrate for a majority of the movie, Attack on Titan: Part I just kind of stopped. You had this whole revelation about what happens to the main character and someone is laughing and the movie ends. Matrix Reloaded did that too. The only other movie that I can think of that didn't do that was Kill Bill Vol. I. It might just end up being Afterlife - Part I & 2: Traumatic Possession 3D. Time will tell on that decision.

The next draft of Afterlife: Traumatic Possession 3D will commence once we finish up post-production on American Nightmare 3D.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

The Orlando Eastwood Channel

So, big plans for the studio. We're working on the new website which will probably launch sometime in 2016. We still got a long ways to go on it, but, I have a section called "COMING SOON". In this section, I make reference to the shop, which will launch when we open. Hopefully in 2017/2018, we will be launching our own internet network! The Orlando Eastwood Channel is coming...

I've been looking at service providers and I have lowered it down to the line. I just have to contact them once we're within reach of going live. This place also gives you the option of multiple broadcasting channels. We are thinking of starting one channel and then moving on to a second channel. The initial roll out channel will be an eight hour loop which will repeat three times a day. We will repeating a whole daily broadcasts to help make viewing better. There will also be a VOD option.

I will be doing a video podcast regarding this whole channel soon.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

#Waiting4ThisDay aka Birthday Celebration aka Attack on Titan aka NSFW aka Fan Vs Fanboy/Girl Rant

So, I know I am supposed to be AWOL here, but, I got a long NSFW rant here. Please divert your virgin eyes any further as I am going to be dropping some serious bombs here on FUNimation and various other things. Before I begin my rant, I want to quote 42nd Street Pete. Here's a film historian who focuses primarily on adult and exploitation films from the 60's to 80's. If anyone reads this and feels that my view is wrong on 42nd Street Pete, I do apologize for this generalization of the man. But, he knows his stuff regarding those two topics at hand that I have mentioned. I am wanting to share a quote with you from Mr. Pete regarding fans versus fanboys and fangirls. This was from his 42nd Street Pete radio show from January 8th, 2011:
There is a difference between a fan and a fanboy.
Real fans respect the genre.
And we were happy to get anything associated with the genre. Be it books, toys, model kits, or whatever. We didn't have much to choose from, but, we were fucking happy to have anything. We were a minority. We were castigated and ridiculed for liking this stuff. We were branded weirdoes, creeps, and misfits and we wore that mantle proudly. We didn't want to be like anyone else. We respected the genre. Then came the fanboys.
Then you have the internet critics that, you know, criticize everything from content to box art and granted, these fuckers never saw the film in an actual theater. But, it'll take me the task because I didn't see this or I didn't see that. And these are the same guys who get a fuckin' woody for every little remake that's announced and things and says how much the original suck and say how much the new Last House on the Left was much better than the original.
And someone goes, the films are all streaked and beat up and stuff and that we changed the soundtracks. You're lucky we put the fucking shit out. And no matter what we do, they're bitching about it! And you know, unfortunately, the people who have good things to say are the minority because they are overshadowed with these fucking scumbags that keep doing this and fucking pissing all over the genre. It's really fucked up. Like I said; I grew up with this shit. You know, I wore my fuckin' weirdness and offbeat-ness as a badge of honor as I didn't want to be like everyone else. And now they took this whole, thick corporate crap and make it horror.
In regards to burning film prints of exploitation films, Pete says;

No, it taking away what they want and breaks their little fanboy hearts to see something that they can't fucking download or fucking criticize.

They're not respecting anyone in this fucking genre. [In regards to illegal downloads of his restoration work.]

Let me skip back to the beginning of September; Attack on Titan: Part I & II were announced for a small limited theatrical release here in the United States. I was dead excited. There was a theater that I go out to Columbus that both Abby and Bob Tesla turned me onto. This theater was announced later after a movie theater in the opposite direction in Oberlin was announced first. My fiancée and I were kinda opposed to the idea of Oberlin as it was unfamiliar to both of us.

The showtimes slowly updated through the weeks and a week or so in September and we saw that the theater in Columbus was playing Attack on Titan: Part I and was playing for a whole week as opposed to the three odd showtimes that the theater in Oberlin were playing it. And Tuesdays are the only day my fiancée doesn't have class and easy for us with our day jobs. The theater in Columbus had it scheduled for a 1:30 PM and 7:30 PM on the 6th whereas Oberlin was playing it only at 7:30 PM. Columbus worked in our favor. Columbus worked. Then the release date came for Part I and all hell had broken loose.

With this whole digital projection stuff, it's all computers and computing. Consider it like Netflix whereas if something is wrong with a video on Netflix, everyone sees the flaws across the country until Netflix fixes it. So, the subtitles screwed up on the last half of the movie and continuously displays; I've been waiting for this day!

Guess what? Theater in Columbus is effected by this subtitle problem. Oberlin received a good copy. All the showtimes were pushed back by a day to get the fixed version with the subtitles. I was bummed out and my fiancée knew that this was what I wanted to do for my birthday even though it wasn't until a week or so later. She felt bad, I felt bad, but; she wanted to make it right and we went to Oberlin. The theatrical experience made me go into a frenzy and I almost violent. Violence almost ensued at this movie theater.

A group of fanboys and fangirls came running into the theater wearing all this snazzy Attack on Titan apparel with pennants for their scout group and what not all over themselves. The biggest "attention whore crying out 'look at me, I need attention'." These cunts and I mean the word cunt with a passion. This group of kids sit next to my fiancée and I and blab through the whole fucking movie because of the changes. As a filmmaker, I can go on and on about the legal nightmare that it would be to get actual Japanese teenagers to do all the roles needed for this film. And I could go on that since it's a Japanese movie and that the kids have some European names and some have blonde hair and blue eyes, I am sorry that this is a Japanese film with Japanese actors. I am sure Toho could have given a bigger budget for this film, but, I am sure that the Japanese actors who auditioned for Eren and Armin knocked the casting directors dead for their roles.

But, my God, my fiancée even yelled at them to shut up after I went out twice to talk to management about these kids. Did anyone working there at the theater do anything? No. Just telling them to please be quiet DOES NOTHING! You kick these fuckers out and say DON'T COME BACK! One of these cunt-rag's phone went off and he answered it in the fucking theater. I was about raging hard. The blood was pumping hard in my hands and head. These were fanboys and fangirls, not fans.

To sit there and just criticize while there's a whole audience who paid hard earned money to watch this movie and to have it spoiled by you means you have no respect for art of film. Actual fans would have just sat there and took the story in. No film adaption, be it of a book or cartoon or of an older movie is usually good. There's few exceptions to this rule, but, I that's a topic for another day. These are the same kids who probably fifteen years ago thought that anything Japanese was for the weird kids. And probably also illegally torrent anime off the internet instead of supporting the genre which has been going the way of music via compact disc.

This is why I quoted 42nd Street Pete in the opening. Fans go all out to support their genres of choice. In the case of anime, my interests have died down these past few years with the exception of Studio Ghibli titles which are must watch at all costs. In my late teenage years and early adult years, even to this day; I've tried to attend theatrical screenings of Studio Ghibli films. I've managed to see big screen showings of Ponyo, Secret World of Arrietty, and When Marnie was There. I made my fiancée aware of Studio Ghibli films even though she had all ready seen Kiki's Delivery Service. And she even bought me the Blu-ray for that and Spirited Away.

Fanboys just download all this shit illegally and wonder why you can't find this shit in stores and distributed here in the United States. They've been subsequently killing the genre that they love and they do not care. These cunts probably downloaded all the episodes of Attack on Titan and said; "Fuck buying that shit!" Netflix has it currently for streaming and even then, probably don't have nine dollars to pay for that.

This is how hardcore of a fan I am, by no means I am not die hard like 42nd Street Pete, but, I do consider myself a fan of cinema and the art of film. Since I am a pro at encoding movies, I know how make my own private back ups of foreign movies with English subtitles so I can show my friends and my fiancée. I cough the money for German Blu-rays and use my skills with the German language to make a coherent English subtitle script for my personal viewing pleasure. I just went out yesterday before going to Oberlin to Best Buy to pick up Blu-ray copies of Tremors 5: Bloodlines and When Marnie was There. I show my support and loyalty to the high definition format and studios because maybe if I do this, I might get my wish and have a sixth Tremors movie.

As a fan, if there's a movie that I really love, I try to track down movie posters and various other goodies by studios. I have a giant box filled with over a hundred movie posters as well as numerous movie posters that are in nice 27 x 40 frames. And being regarded as a misfit, I was heavily inspired by Godzilla and Japanese cinema. I have a nice collection of Godzilla stuff up on my wall that is just amazing. I got posters, DVDs from all over the world, German and Spanish and U.S. Blu-rays that I have shoved fistfuls of dollars out to the various Amazons. I've been in love with Godzilla since I was three years old and it's a lifelong love that kids in school made fun of me for.

But, within the last fifteen years, we took a turn where all this nerdy stuff became mainstream. Some point after the Star Wars prequels and the Lord of the Rings films, this stuff became real mainstream. And with that, anime and nerd culture with scientific stuff became the norm. High school girls who were probably against that shit completely thirty years ago are now dealing with their kids who just eat this shit up like it's going out of style. These Marvel comic book films are filled with teenagers and teen girls who probably wouldn't give two shits about Iron Man or Avengers fifteen years ago and would have given me no time of day if I ever mentioned Hulk or Captain America. So, to this generation that loves this nerd shit with the Big Bang Theory, you can all go fuck yourselves.

Let's move on to Funimation. These assholes are the ones to blame for who fucked it for me and my fiancée. According to Bloody Disgusting, this is what Funimation gave in terms of an explanation;

Both FUNimation and fans of Attack on Titan have been waiting for the day when the live action movie would open in theaters in the U.S. Unfortunately, fans at a handful of theaters last night did not have the experience that we hoped they would have.

As reported online, there was a glitch in the middle of the Attack on Titan Part 1 which caused the subtitles to freeze on a single line of text for 10 or more minutes while the movie continued to play. FUNimation became aware of the subtitle problem on Monday, September 28. All exhibitors were alerted to the issue and worked with Deluxe to provide a simple fix that same day to correct the software error. FUNimation and Deluxe followed up with all exhibitors the next day – Tuesday, September 29.

The handful of theaters that experienced the subtitle problem last night did not implement the fix, which resulted in the glitch during their screenings. Our theatrical division and Deluxe are in contact with these specific locations to confirm the fix is being implemented and what, if any, assistance FUNimation can provide to ensure this problem does not occur again during the remainder of the Attack on Titan Part 1 theatrical run. FUNimation will be hardcoding subtitles on Attack on Titan Part 2 and other future releases to prevent this problem from happening again.

So, let me repeat that; the handful of theaters that experienced the subtitle problem last night did not implement the fix, which resulted in the glitch during their screenings. And then they say and I repeat; FUNimation will be hardcoding subtitles on Attack on Titan Part 2 and other future releases to prevent this problem from happening again. So, they knew that there was a problem, blames the theaters and then this whole mishap goes down. And then claims that they'll actually burn the subtitles into the video for the movie itself for Attack on Titan Part 2. If you weren't planning on releasing the film dubbed into English along with the Japanese version with English subs, why make the subtitles a separate file in the DCP? No one will know the difference if you give the theaters a master that has the subtitles in the video file itself? No, we wouldn't! And to give this bullshit spiel is ridiculous. A part of me wants to just say; "Fuck you, Funimation! I'll buy the Hong Kong Blu-rays when they come out in the next few months!"

If you honestly knew that this was messed up, why even send it out to theaters to screen in the first place? And I even ranted on Facebook to which fanboys ranted back at me about my misfortune of not being able to see it in Columbus. Funimation almost not got my money! Bastards shouldn't have even gotten my cash. So, fuck you Funimation. I've been waiting for this day!

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Damn Weather Means Green Screen Work!

So, I am not making this post right now as I shipped my computer back to get the money back as it was having problems before the warranty expired. My gain as I am saving up to buy a nice $700 computer from Best Buy! I am halfway through the saving up. I should hopefully have the computer ready to go by November. So, I am going to be offline for a month.

However, the weather got cold fast. My fiancée and decided that it would probably be best to go out and film the back drops on the family property where we filmed Campaign and shoot. That means we will be bringing the actors back to my place and inserting them into the footage and having them act in front of the green screen. I was talking to a new buddy of mine about this and he was pretty happy with my decision to do green screen instead of taking them out there to film. This will make the filming portions easy for everyone but it means that I will be working harder on the post-production process.

I personally feel that this is something that is a good challenge for me. It means that I'll be doing a lot more work to try to make the December deadline. If not, it's not the end of the world. I'll be back ... soon.

Monday, September 21, 2015

The "CAMPAIGN" Project.

Back in September 2012, after my second ex-fiancee had left me, I was a mess. In an attempt to help get Traumatic Possession 3D: The Tape finished, Abby pushed me to do a project about something that I really am passionate about. Thus, I had announced a project called Campaign. I had written three drafts before started filming and Abby helped out along the way.

Before we started filming, we did some test photos with me and some toy guns. I had informed a few friends about the project, some from Germany and Hawai'i who are very close friends. Then, I decided to get my buddies Jamie and Stephen involved to help with camera work. Since I was going to be doing the lead acting work in this, I wanted a two camera shoot. I geared up my Vivtar 810HD and my Kodak ZxD which are both 720p.

I had a friend who was suppose to be Rebecca Lange long before Abby took the role. She had given me the contacts for a few of her friends who were wanting to act and there was another person who was involved and wanted the female antagonist role. All had bailed on the project on the day of filming. While I understand that there was problems on their ends, I am not mad in anyway about them bailing. In this business, it's hard to get people who really want to do this. This left me with a dilemma. We lost the female antagonist along with the other two male antagonists.

Jamie and Stephen both arrive and I had to end up sticking them in front of the camera. They were unprepared but we filmed for four hours and wrapped up. Took the footage home and there was a lot of loose footage that we missed and ultimately, I decided to scrap it and move over to my old beat up hard drive. To those who are wondering what the Campaign is ... Marvel's The Punisher.

Out of all of the characters in the Marvel universe, Frank Castle by far my favorite character. Next to say Bruce Banner and possibly Magneto. In the early 2010's it was announced that Castle had came home to the Marvel film-world. As soon as I saw that the film rights had reverted from Lionsgate to Disney, I knew that I needed to somehow get my name out there as a possibility. Ultimately, I came, I saw, and I failed.

With Disney making Castle as part of Daredevil; I felt that now is the time to tell my story. I think that Joe Bernthal will be another great addition to the line up of actors who have portrayed Castle. It will also give me a reason to watch Daredevil as most people who know me know that I do not watch television shows at all.

With Campaign, I based my version of the character from characteristics from all three film adaptions. I liked the moody-ness of the Tom Jane; the brutality of Ray Stevenson; and the overall tortured soul of Dolph Lundgren's portrayal. Ironically, in my script, I did include mentions of Matt Murdock and did include Typhoid Mary as the female antagonist in the short film.

In the short film, I established that Castle is going to hunt down the three children of crime mob boss Ma Gnucci; the woman responsible for killing Castle's family. Castle finds out that her sons are meeting up to buy drugs from Maginty. He intercepts Maginty's men and meets up with Ma Gnucci's kids to slaughter them. However, when he arrives, only two of the three kids are present. Typhoid Mary was called in by the eldest son, Bobby. It turns into a bloodbath and Castle manages to kill the two brothers and spares Mary.

I wanted to show that Castle wasn't the mindless killing machine that we saw in Punisher: War Zone, but, keeping the brutal tone of vengeance as these are the people who killed his family. And at the same time show that he has some humility and something of a soul left intact. And there was an ending where we were going to bring in Micro and Lynn Michaels to help get Castle and Typhoid Mary back into town and to take Mary to Murdock to face his justice. But, with us losing who was supposed to be Typhoid Mary that day, we never finished it.

What had I had in mind for the project if I had gotten my wish and I was Frank? If we did manage to get a Marvel reboot, the film would have taken place across "Phase One" and "Phase Two". We would have revealed that it was Castle behind the scenes in the first Iron Man film as a soldier in Afghanistan as well as bringing in the injured soldiers who were apart of the Extremis Program in Iron Man 3. These injured soldiers were to be apart of his unit who were attacked and kidnapped by the Ten Rings terrorist organization.

Castle was to be one of the only surviving and mostly uninjured soldier being held in another part of the cave that Tony Stark was in. He was to have interaction with Ho Yinsen in the cave and Yinsen and Castle were the ones who put attached the battery to Stark's chest. Castle, being the soldier that he is, promised to bring back help to Yinsen and Stark. He escapes and kills a few of the terrorists on the way out the door. We then show Castle arriving to an F.O.B. and then all the events of Iron Man happen with Stark in the Mark I suit.

We would then get Castle home to his wife and have Rhodes play a predominant role in the story. Rhodes would be on par with Louis Gossett Jr's role in the 1989 film. We would soon get to the chase and have Castle's family executed while out on a picnic at a park in NYC. Frank would be injured and in a coma but would wake from his coma during the events of the Avengers with the aliens arriving and attacking. Unable to walk, Castle would manage to get out of the destroyed hospital, a la the Bride in Kill Bill, by crawling to safety and managing to help save a few New Yorkers in the process by managing to kill the aliens with their own weapons.

However, Frank would not be able to see the survivors to safety as debris from the hospital cracks him in the head and ironically puts him back in his coma. This heroic act from a paralyzed man gets back to Nick Fury who digs around and discovers who Frank Castle is. He knows that Castle has ties to some members of the Avengers and wants Rhodes to bring him into S.H.I.E.L.D.'s care. Frank was to wake up during the events of Iron Man 3. My planing points after that far in the script that I did start to write was show the Punisher dismantling AIM Technologies and the mob organization ran by Ma Gnucci.

Ultimately, the villains of my vision were to be Ma Gnucci and M.O.D.O.K. Ma Gnucci was to be left dead as in the comics by Castle throwing her into a bear habitat in a zoo. After doing the deed, Fury would call Frank to head to the AIM headquarters to destroy it. This would be happening as Tony and Rhodes would be off trying to save Pepper and the President of the United States at the oil tanker.

M.O.D.O.K. was to be a fierce and very systematic killing machine. I had it imagined that it would basically be doing all the killing of the AIM workers while it tried to kill Frank. Police would go into the AIM building and get slaughtered with the exception of a scared police officer who would be Lynn Michaels. She would be inspired by Frank and his methods to his madness and tries to help him kill M.O.D.O.K. and they would ultimately succeed.

So, what happened? In the months prior to Joe Bernthal being announced as the iconic Frank Castle; myself, Abby, Jamie, and Stephen talked about redoing the short and possibly doing it as a television pilot. To my irony, this is the route that Disney decided to go. I guess my dicking around is what caused the downfall. I have no one to blame but myself on this. Do I have any resentment towards Marvel and everyone involved with Daredevil? Hell, no. I would love to be back working with Disney like I did with my production assistant job on Lost. Because I know, that in this business, there are more failures than successes. But, when you do have a success, no matter how big or small, be thankful for it. It could just all disappear one day.

I am Orlando Eastwood. I love all my fans. Thank you for supporting me throughout the years and I hope once we have American Nightmare 3D ready, I can scare you all again. Take care.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

The General DVD-R Release. Triple Feature.

So, I am currently looking at DVD-R duplication sites for the best deal. This is what we are going to do for the planned DVD-R release once we run out of DVD-Rs of the "Bootleg" editions. We are wanting to do dual sided artwork. One side will contain the artwork for Traumatic Possession: The Tape and the opposite side will contain artwork for American Nightmare.

The DVD-R will be a dual layered disc that will have all three films; Traumatic Possession: The Tape - Director's Cut, American Nightmare, and Into the Madness: A Documentary on the disc. The aspect ratio on all three films will be 2.35:1. There's not going to be any bonus materials included. I am not even sure if any of the planned commentary tracks will be included with the disc. I know we will have English subtitles included for those who are hard of hearing. I will be doing the menus and all of the authoring for the disc. And I will have myself and several others check for quality control issues.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

American Nightmare 3D - The Teaser Trailer and What's Next...

We're still filming. I got a week off from work and we're going to be hitting the cameras hard for American Nightmare 3D and the new director's cut for Traumatic Possession 3D: The Tape. Let's get this out of the way first.

The film will probably be up via online VOD first. Might do it on Youtube or Vimeo. I am also going to be working up distributions ASAP for Germany and Italy as I have a few contacts over there. The home video releases here in the States are going to be the deluxe "Bootleg" edition DVD-R and the VHS tapes. Both will be 100 copies. The "Bootleg" edition will contain four versions of the movie; 3D scope 2.35:1, 2D scope 2.35:1, 2D open matte 1.78:1, and the 2D 4:3/1.33:1 for the VHS version.

We are waiting on Afterlife: Traumatic Possession 3D as we need a budget. Abby is working on the Rebecca Lange spin off film. A Cat's Tale might be next. Not sure.

Monday, August 24, 2015


Before I begin my how "spiel" on Fantastic Four; I want to tell you the mood I was in yesterday before I decided to go see this. Cinemark, the pieces of human excrement that they are, wouldn't do anything but give me a free pass because their projector was messed up on Straight Outta Compton. In my frustrations, my fiancee and I decided to go to the Springmill Drive In to go see Hitman: Agent 47 and Fantastic Four. I was quite surprised with Hitman: Agent 47, I would need to refresh on the previous film to compare which is better. But, I liked it. But, the real fun began when Fantastic Four began to grace the screen.

Before I start to sink my teeth into this horrendous waste of $100+ million; as far as Fantastic Four goes as a Marvel property, I do somewhat like it and enjoy it. Though, as the years pass on and Marvel themselves taking it upon them to make their own movies has given me more to look forward too than the wrath of Doctor Doom and Galactus. So, where does this leave us? I did follow the production pretty closely and read about the horrible production process for this film that literally has destroyed Josh Trank's career. To be fair, I didn't care for Chronicle, so, I expected more from him.

So, we re-establish the origins and fumble it all to hell within an hour and forty minutes. The story establishes Ben Grimm and Reed Richards as being childhood friends who create a portal for outer-dimensional travel. At first Reed believes it to be China until he and Grimm are told by Professor Baxtor and his adopted Caucasian daughter, Sue, inform him that it's from another planet.

Reed is given a full scholarship, but, not Grimm for some reason. Baxtor wants Reed to build a bigger version along with someone who came up with the theory; Victor Von Doom. And in the first scene, he looks like the obese man from Warcraft episode of South Park. Which, I feel that it was probably a scene directed by Josh Trank as in all of the other scenes before the incident, he acts totally different and is an ass.

After the incident in which Grimm, Doom, Reed, and Johnny travel to the other planet; for some reason; Sue receives the abilities by some sort of blowback from them returning to Earth or something. It was never explained even though she didn't travel with them, but, hey, why not?

So, after much dragging about and Reed escapes the military installation of Area 57; we jump to a year in future with Reed running while Grimm is now a military weapon and is fighting the war on terror. After Prof. Baxtor convinces his adopted daughter to help the government to track Reed, he finally comes home. Then we're all ready towards the end and nothing has really happened and the government decides to go back to the planet to collect samples when ... VICTOR IS ALIVE!!!

Surprised? Really? He's been on that planet for a year and is still going. I don't get it. But, whatever, Doom comes back and he's a little cranky and starts killing for no real reason other than he feels that he needs too. Doom kills Prof. Baxtor and goes back to the planet and somehow after being alone for a year is able to make a portal that is sucking Earth through a portal. With no real explanation how, he has it and is trying to kill the planet. And after a quick battle that is virtually two minutes long, Doom is killed and the Earth is saved. And thus ... the Fantastic Four was born! The END!

The biggest thing, continuity wise, Kate Mara's hair! In one scene alone, her hair changed three times in like a minute. Her hair would be short and dirty blonde; then to cut to long solid bright blonde; and then cut again and then in a ponytail. It got to a point where my fiancee and I would notice that her hair would be different in shots in almost every scene that she is in. You can have a drinking game with her hair change.

The lack of story and how overall weak it is. Doctor Doom is a weak villain who dies all too easily. A real storyline that is non-existant. This film deserves to get it's ass kicked. It could have been so much and more. Josh Trank cries foul over this, I call bull. After everything, bull.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

The Man with the Broken Heart. The Dead Cinema 10.

So, back last Wednesday, my fiancee and I had the day off. She had been begging me that she wanted to go shopping to look for new clothes. We decided to go to Kohl's. As I loaded our son up in his stroller, I decided to tell my fiancee to go ahead and that I'd let her have some time to herself to shop. I asked for her iPod and began to walk away with our son. As we went in between Staples and some desert shop, I snapped the first photo.

The theater was owned and operated by Cinemark and closed in 2013. From what I could find on the internet, this theater was opened to the public in the Summer of 1989, just a few months before I was born. As we walked closer, and you cannot tell looking up close is that someone must have been vandalizing it as one of the glass doors was smashed and wood was nailed over it. When I walked up to the building itself, I saw that whoever owns the theater clearly didn't clean up the mess and shards of glass laid all over the ground. It broke my heart.

I pushed my son up to the ticket booth and snapped a photo. Honestly, the ticket booth was never really opened. A few times during the weekend during the summer, but, never during the winter. You always had to buy your tickets on the inside. Oddly, Cinemark yanked out the center speakers to communicate, leaving three hollowed out holes in the center of the glass. But they had left the three wooden wedges at the bottom of the glass where you would hand over payment and get your tickets.

The thing that really broke my heart over this theater to see the disrepair that it is in. After a year and a half, the concrete slabs on the outside ceiling are all ready crumbling apart. Upon facing the theater, on the right side where the entrance is at, I couldn't get over to the far door where the exit is because of the broken debris and I did not want to possibly endanger my infant son. The first picture is the right hand side and the second is on the left hand side.

We have had some harsh winters since the theater closed. The winter of 2013 to start off 2014 was brutal. We had the temperatures down to - 50 F. And as a dare, I walked to work in it. I had the first stages of frost bite developing in my legs, but, I walked it off and worked for ten hours that day. Last winter it was bad, but, not as brutal. This is something that I've told to my friends and co-workers and of course my fiancee, I honestly don't know which is worse, the Cinema 10 or the Cinema 4.

I think the difference is that the Cinema 4 is probably still heated and cooled by the building owners, even if it's still falling apart. I might try to get around to taking photos of it on Friday if I can find time.

Upon seeing the entrance, on the right side (facing the theater), seeing the lifeless insides almost brought tears to my eyes. The black and white tiles on the floor and walls still looked somewhat persevered and untouched. I can remember seeing countless movies and now, there is nothing. I know the final movies that I saw was Elysium and Kick-Ass 2. I know that right before they had closed, there was a screening of The Purge that was playing, It was a closed captioned copy that was for the deaf and hard of hearing. They did these types of screenings all the time and it usually was a movie that was all ready out on Blu-ray. I remember that Summer I had caught a closed captioned copy of Oblivion and it had all ready been out for a good three weeks. But, for $1, I could never resist going.

I remember telling my fiancee that when I was single after my second fiancee left me, if I had a Monday off from work, I would go kill a full day. Literally, I could take $20, and I would spend a whole day. The last time I did was probably around the end of February 2013. I want to say that I saw The Last Stand; Wreck it, Ralph 3D; A Haunted House; Red Dawn; and Skyfall.

All though, something that I noticed in the photo above, and I did make mention of it in my podcast; someone must have broken in and vandalized it as the doors to the main theater have been busted off the hinges.

I am going to bet that it was vandals and not mother nature taking back what belongs to her. The main theater is what angers me the most about Cinemark killing this theater. The reason why this theater shut down is because they didn't want to finish converting the theater to digital from 35mm. The main theater was converted to digital in 2010 after about a year I had returned from Hilo, Hawai'i. They had it and even had 3D projected in that main theater. They could have saved it. Even if it meant upping the ticket prices to say $4 or even $5, they still could have saved it.

In that photo right there where the concession stand is at, that spot where the candy display box is at was where you purchased tickets. It was just alien seeing the display signs off of the walls. In the zoomed out photo and in the next one, you'll see the light box displaying the film mylars off the walls, it is just sad.

You know, the funny thing is that Cinemark took everything out of the theater and oddly left the trash cans. There was one outside too and in the previous photos, you can see that they left the other one on the otherside and left the door open too. Very odd. In this photo above, you can see that there's a gallon of water on the stand. I don't know if that was from the possible break in or if someone working there had left it behind. The fire extinguisher is also in the previous photo by the supply room at the center of the concession stand.

Then this is from the exit on the left side. Again, the right side had debris blocking the way and I didn't want to push my son near it. The light boxes with the posters displayed in them are all gone. You can see the wall with the light box with the mylars gone. We can see the doors on the right to the main theater are still standing up. The doors on the left are to one of the screening rooms. I wish that I could have been able to get inside and see. I think to see big giant empty rooms would have been more heartbreaking. No seats, no screens, nothing...

After spending a few moments there and my son making some audible noises that he was ready to be moved around, I decided to depart from something near and dear to my heart. I decided to walk back, as a I stopped, I snapped one photo of a sign. I found it fitting as I was pushing my son.

I told my fiancee that if I was to ever become majorly successful while making movies, I would to buy one of these three empty theaters in my town and bring it back to life. I would love to see more indie and foreign movies play. Cinemark here in Mansfield has had lots of missed opportunities to bring some stuff here. They screwed us over on the last few Studio Ghibli films. I missed the Wind Rises which was Hayao Miyazaki's last film. They advertised it on their site, but, never came here. The misses and I did travel out to Columbus to see When Marnie Was There and it that had played here, they could have gotten my money.

And finally, I did a video podcast discussing it. I rambled a bit. But, if you want to see it, enjoy!

Friday, July 31, 2015

Top Secret Faux Satire Documentary Movie Shooting in September and October.

I have a secret movie in the works. We're shooting it as a faux documentary that is meant to be a social commentary on a topic that I downright fucking hate with a passion. Any of my friends and family who know me and especially all the shit that is going on, knows what this movie is. And, OMG, I will knock this movie dead. I can tell you that I will be dressing up as a pimp and will be decking myself out as a dumb ass looking pimp with a stable of hoes. It's all going to be wacky as shit.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

"City of Angels 3D" - English Language "Die Reise 3D" Prequel!

While the production has stalled for Die Reise 3D due to waiting to see if we can get international rights sold to Traumatic Possession 3D: The Tape - The Director's Cut and American Nightmare 3D. We are going to do a prequel that is in both the English and German language. That means that I will have Christin Seufert doing some text translations from English over to German for me. The only characters that might be in the prequel film is Christina Ramey as Mallory, Abby as Sara, and possibly Janet Jay as Gabrielle. That is if we can fit them all in.

The story is going to revolve around a mercenary who has been tipped off about a group of German terrorists who plan to set off a biological weapon in a major U.S. city. Once they all collide, the terrorists discover that the mercenary has a deadly ability which makes him almost unstoppable.

This was originally going to be my full length adaption of the short film Crisis. However, since Elise is nowhere to be found, I am skipping it for the time being. The plan for the full length Crisis film was to involve Mallory from Die Reise 3D. We will possibly film some stock footage in Columbus this fall around my 26th birthday this September. Some of this will be green screened as Winter will soon be setting in.

If we can get it rolling as soon as we release American Nightmare 3D this October, we can expect it around March through May at the earliest in 2016.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Going Back Head First Into the "American Nightmare 3D". Being a Dad. Buying Movie Rights. Etc.

Well, come Wednesday night, I might be getting my head shaved again since it apparently all of my hair grew back within a week and a half. We had maybe ten minutes of American Nightmare 3D edited together from what we had shot from those few days. Abby, who played Rebecca Lange in Traumatic Possession 3D: The Tape, plays my drug dealer in the film; she had all of her scenes shot in a few hours as we shot all of her lines and skipped all mine. With the exception of our last scene together in the film.

With the birth of my son, Alex, it gave me a new purpose to making movies. It gave me a reason to follow my passion so that I can spend as many moments with him as possible. For me, working retail, has been hell. I enjoy the company of all of my co-workers, but this life is NOT for me. For the past few months up until my little man was born, I had been contacting casting agents about possibly auditioning and writing and directing. And if you know me, you know that I was going after one of the greats which I did not get. It's not the end of the world, it is just simply not my time for me and the monster to meet face to face.

Being a father since he was born two weeks ago has been just amazing. My fiancee and I have been just on our toes with feedings and diaper changes and sleep! Oh, God, the sleep. My basic logic is that if I can get our son to sleep, I let my fiancee get a nap while I watch over him. As a matter of fact, I am doing that right now as I type this very blog out. That first night when he arrived was a way of us to get to know each other. He would cry out at any little thing and I was swoop him up and walk around with him. He would calm and look at me and try to figure who I am as I looked down upon him and see one of the two people that means more than anything to me.

But, as I stated above with me pursuing casting agents for movies, I was off work on vacation for eleven days. From Saturday when the labor started, to this past Wednesday, I was off work and not a care in the world was to be had. I know the trade off from working a day job is being on a set for possibly four months is worth it in my honest opinion. As much as it takes away in that one chunk, it's more worth it than being stuck at a day job that I can't tolerate any more.

And being a businessman, I have taken an interest into buying some licenses to some Bruno Mattei films and the works of the Filipino actress Yvette Yzon. For most who are unaware, Yvette worked with Bruno in his final years before his death in 2007. Two of the films that she did were just released here in the U.S; Island of the Living Dead and Zombies: The Beginning. The studio that owns most of Bruno's later films, all though I wished that they owned S.S. Girls as I have a nice 35mm print of the film which would be great for a Blu-ray release, also has one of the last English language films that Yvette did in 2010 called My Lai Four.

I've explained with Yvette that if I can get the rights, it'll be once we can get the Director's Cut of Traumatic Possession 3D: The Tape, Into the Madness: A Documentary, and American Nightmare 3D finished so we can license them out world wide. So, hopefully in 2016, we'll start rolling out home video releases to these Italian films.

And as far as what one of our next movies will be ... I don't know ... I might just have a Crisis on my hands.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

"American Nightmare 3D" DVD-R Editions, September 2015!

So, for September we're going to try to have the DVD-R editions ready for American Nightmare 3D. There will be the basic DVD-R edition with the movie only which we will be selling for $5 + S&H. This movie only edition will be in 2D and we'll use 4.35 GB DVD-R discs. The movie will contain the English audio and we'll possibly throw an English subtitle track on the film as well. No bonus material. And the aspect ratio will be in 2.35:1.

The deluxe "Bootleg" edition will be a small 100 copy pressing for $20 + S&H. It will be two or three DVD-R DL discs. We will have commentary and the isolated music score for the film itself. We will have the film presented in three or four possible ways, considering how much disc space we will have left over. You will get the film in four presentations; Red/Blue 3D in 2.35:1, 2D version in 2.35:1, 2D version which will be in 4:3 (1.33:1) for the VHS copies we make; and if we have disc space, an open matted version of the film in 16:9 (1.78:1). And of course, English subtitles and if we have time, possibly German subtitles if we can squeeze the time.

Bonus materials are yet to be determined besides the commentary and the isolated music score. But, we plan to have some stuff lined up as well for the film. We got to make this Bootleg edition sweet. Expect the online VOD release to pop up in July or possibly earlier.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

"American Nightmare 2 3D" will have Damien Frost. Takes Place During "Afterlife: Traumatic Possession 3D".

I am working on the script for American Nightmare 3D and the beautiful thing about writing this film is that it is helping me expand on Afterlife: Traumatic Possession 3D. While I am working on the story, I was thinking that Damien Frost would be a perfect addition and on top of that, add Dr. Samson to Afterlife: Traumatic Possession 3D!

The idea that I am weaving is that the parts of Dr. Samson and Damien Frost in Afterlife will be added into and expanded into American Nightmare 2 3D. A factor is that we are going to recast every character with the exception of Dr. Samson in the future two sequels. Christina is going to be playing Vanessa Carter in American Nightmare 3D and she's going to be playing the rouge character "the Villain" in Afterlife: Traumatic Possession 3D. That means we will be getting a new actress to play Vanessa in Afterlife and American Nightmare 2 3D, I am playing Carter, and we'll need a different person to play Carter in the next film.

This will also be Damien's third feature appearance and will be shot after Traumatic Possession 3D: Rebirth. That places American Nightmare 2 3D for 2017 or 2018. I will not be directing this film. Just producing, writing, and acting. That places the Damien Frost order as:

Afterlife: Traumatic Possession 3D
Traumatic Possession 3D: Rebirth
American Nightmare 2 3D

Considering that there's going to be a nine year gap between Rebirth and Afterlife, just be aware that he's slowly dying off. He is just in hiding and nothing is too notable for me. Damien will be resting up a bit and Simon Lange will be taking the spotlight again in the next few years.

Saturday, February 28, 2015

"A Cat's Tale" and "Nightmare".

With us not making anywhere close to the funding needed to make Die Reise 3D and Afterlife: Traumatic Possession 3D, we're delaying them until we can make something to license out internationally. Afterlife will not be fully effected by this move, however, the big thing regarding it is that we need a hotel to film at. I can try to rework this angle, but, this is going to be difficult. However, I am announcing two small no-budget films; A Cat's Tale 3D and Nightmare 3D.

I have been throwing around the idea about making a movie about Ali since Christmas. I started writing the script and I have gotten about ten pages so far. Nightmare has been something that I've wanted to do a for a few years now. It was originally called The Lab Rat. It was something that I have had on my mind since 2010 when we first started filming Traumatic Possession 3D: The Tape. It's a very intimate horror movie about a nightmare-ish scenario. I am only going to take a week to film it.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Traumatic Possession - The 2017 Rebecca Lange Spin-Off

Something that I have been dwelling on for a while is the idea of doing a sort of reboot to Traumatic Possession 3D: The Tape. Even Abby and myself discussed the idea of remaking the Tape whenever the film was released in 2013. I have decided on something... the series will not be rebooted, somewhat, but we will be taking a different route. The first spin off film that will be made will center around Rebecca Lange during the whole Tape incident.

A few things that I have decided on is that Simon Lange will only be in the film via stock footage from the Tape and it's all going to be stitched in delicately. That means that I will be in the film, but, not really. I will not be directing or writing, just drawing up the story and producing. I have messaged Abby regarding the project. Not sure if she's interested, however, I am keeping hope up as she is planning to return in one scene that I wrote for Rebecca Lange in Afterlife: Traumatic Possession 3D. To give a slight spoiler for her scene, it's basically what happens when the camera shuts off at the end of the Tape. Just to give closure to what happened at the end.

I am giving this film a 2017 release date.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Updates on the "Traumatic Possession" Film Series.

Update: 2/25: Added "Rebecca Lange".

Ok, I figured that I haven't given much love to Simon Lange lately with getting Die Reise 3D ready to go. We are going to be doing four trilogies and possibly a few stand alone sequels. Yes, I just said thirteen films! Simon Lange is my Jason Vorhees, Pinhead, Chucky, Jigsaw, and Freddy!

The Ohio Trilogy:
Traumatic Possession 3D: The Tape
Afterlife: Traumatic Possession 3D
Retribution: Traumatic Possession 3D

The Hawai'i Trilogy:
Rebirth: Traumatic Possession 3D
Revenge: Traumatic Possession 3D
Traumatic Possession 3D: Salvation

Spin-Off Trilogy:
Traumatic Possession 3D: Rebecca Lange
Traumatic Possession 3D: The Stalker
Untitled TP3D Spin-Off #3

Untitled Trilogy:
Untitled TP3D Film #1
Untitled TP3D Film #2
Untitled TP3D Film #3

Then finally ... Traumatic Possession 3D: Apocalypse!

I can tell you that while I am finishing up Afterlife, most of Rebirth and Revenge have been written. Some notes about The Stalker have been written out as well, all though, it's going to be changed to fit in with the events leading up to Revenge. The "Spin-Off" trilogy is meant to lead into one of the films prior to whichever character we use as a basis. I can tell you that the female lead in Revenge is going to be the lead protagonist in The Stalker and that Simon Lange will have no more than five minutes of screen time and is not a villain in it at all, simply neutral.

I will be writing the script and producing Retribution, but not directing. Once you see Afterlife and understand that Retribution is the end in terms of continuity, I am not going to be in the film at all. With the "Ohio Trilogy", we're starting at 2006 and then jumping to 2018 and then 2019. We have a nice thirteen year gap between The Tape and Afterlife and Retribution. I can tell you that the only other sequels that I am directing are; Rebirth, Revenge, Salvation, and Apocalypse. I am not ruling out that I may direct this "Untitled Trilogy", but, only if I feel that I can do it on my own terms.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Die Reise 3D - IndieGoGo and Die Reise 3D Sequel.

The above is a mock poster created the other night. This is sort of what the final look will be, but, not me at the beach. We're going to have the cast and crew start pushing the IndieGoGo. One thing that is in the works is the Orlando Eastwood Box Set. This DVD-R set will be a combination of Single Layer 4.35GB and Dual Layer 8GB discs. The DVD-R DL discs will mainly be for the 2D versions that will be in 2.35:1 and 1.33:1 versions. The DVD-R discs will have just the 3D Red/Blue version in 2.35:1. I was thinking of this being a ten disc set, but, it could be twelve disc set if we can cut some deals.

Nothing is finalized yet, but, I can say that it is looking like the set will have:
Traumatic Possession 3D: The Tape - Director's Cut
Into the Madness: A Documentary
Untitled Orlando Eastwood 3D Documentary
Die Reise 3D
Afterlife: Traumatic Possession 3D

Goal for this release date is December 2015. There will only be ten copies of this set made. If any of these boxes don't sell, they will probably sell for $150 more. These DVD-R sets will be different from the planned Bootleg Edition of Traumatic Possession 3D: The Tape which will include Into the Madness. I can tell you that Into the Madness will be one disc, which will leave the tenth disc open for something.

Finally, Die Reise 3D might have a sequel. I do not believe that anyone from the original would return. The film will not be in German, since the story takes place in Mexico, the film would be in Spanish. The only way that I will be involved with Die Reise 3D - Teil 2 is by producing it. My ideal director for the film is someone who spoke Spanish as a first language. Then, I feel that we will have a possible story hatched for the film. Then, who knows, maybe a third film would happen.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Posters ... Cry Baby Did Not Get His Posters!

So, since I finished off the script for Die Reise 3D and decided to go pay some bills, we went to my local Drug Mart shop down the road from my place. I love going in there as they still rent out DVDs and Blu-rays. One of the biggest things that draws me to the store is that they have movie posters that they sell. Until now, they used to hold them for you and I have a good 100+ video store posters. To most collectors out there, video store posters have no real collecting value. But, they are worth the $2 + plus tax that I pay for them.

So, these last few months, a guy has been in competition with me on reserving these posters. I was told from some of the workers that its a guy who is supposedly remodeling his home theater or something like that. So, whenever they changed the posters out, this guy was beating me to the punch on them. And sometimes, depending on who is working back in the video and make up department, might not remember to put the posters on hold. And back around November or so, I had posters on hold for Amazing Spider-Man 2 and X-Men: Days of Future Past. While, X-Men was still up on the wall, I noticed that they forgot to hold ASM2 and I had noticed it in the bin. While at the same time, there was two other posters that I was wanting that this guy beat me too; Captain America: The Winter Soldier and Godzilla.

Now, I have had it happen where I might reserve a poster and I either get beaten to it or they forgot to hold it and someone bought it. If that happens, it's not the end of the world. If it's a poster that I really want, I'll hunt down an original theatrical poster on eBay. The Godzilla poster was something that I was hunting down frantically on eBay for this video store poster and was having no real luck finding it. So, when I saw it in that bin, I was in seventh heaven. My fiancee knew that I was going batty over this poster. When I saw it in that bin, I grabbed it so fast.

So, cut to the end of November around Thanksgiving. We go in to see that the X-Men poster was down. The girl who was working the cash register explained to me the situation regarding the poster. Apparently he threw a violent fit in the store that they weren't holding the posters for him and so the cashier handed over the poster to him because they were horrified by his behavior.

I had knew about this for a good two months now and didn't feel a real need to discuss this, until now. Yesterday we went to go pay some bills and see if there was any new posters. I didn't have any on hold and saw that they had Dawn of the Planet of the Apes on up on the wall. So, I go to the counter and ask the girl and she informs me that; "Due to some changes in policy, we won't hold the posters any more. First come, first serve."

Good! Because BABY BOY cried and threw a temper tantrum in the store, he ruined it for all of us and on top it, himself. I am going to be constantly checking for that Guardians of the Galaxy poster that is up there. He wanted to make his point and cause stress upon this great establishment, my turn. I love renting movies and buying posters from Drug Mart. Good day!

The Godzilla video store poster on my wall looks great in a frame!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Announcing the Cast of "Die Reise 3D".

Today is February 1st, 2015; I am wrapping up the final pages of Die Reise 3D before sending them off to my co-writer Christin Seufert to translate all of the dialogue into German. Contracts have been sent out and I have been given the good graces by the cast to announce their names while they wait on their scripts. We launched the IndieGoGo today and we are excited and hope to meet our deadline of $8,000.

Brian Banowetz:

Brian Banowetz is a professional actor who took interest in my work around 2010 while Traumatic Possession 3D: The Tape was being made. His IMDB resume is quite impressive with being in such films as Gen-X Cops: Metal MayhemCopycat, and a role on the television show Matlock. In the past few weeks, whilst working on getting everything done with Afterlife: Traumatic Possession 3D, we discussed possibly working on a role for Brian. I felt more confident in giving him the lead antagonist role in Die Reise 3D.  In regards to the Traumatic Possession films, I feel that Brian would be more suitable for the role of a detective who is in Traumatic Possession 3D: Hawai'i - Vol. II. But, that film still has a long ways before it will start rolling.

Janet Jay:

Janet Jay is a great indie actress who resides here in the state of Ohio. I had first saw Janet earlier this year in the film Easter Casket and thought that she has great potential. Gabrielle is the overall catalyst in the film. Role is not that long, but, she will leave a lasting impact throughout.

Christina Ramey:

Christina Ramey is an up and coming actress who I have had the honor of being a friend for almost five years. She has done one movie in the past called Why My Grandfather Went to Hell. Right now, that film does not have an IMDB, which means she doesn't have a page yet, but I will have her listed in the cast credits real soon. Ms. Ramey will be playing Mallory. She is the secondary antagonist in the film and will be hunting Lukas down in Mexico.

Orlando Eastwood:

Orlando Eastwood will be playing the protagonist, Lukas. Lukas will be hiding out in Mexico throughout the whole movie. We follow him on this 3D journey.

Filming is slated for mid-April with a DVD-R release planned for September 2015. Internet VOD will released a month after post-production is completed. Possibly around late June to beginning of July where you can rent the film. VHS copies will be ready December as I have to make 200 tapes to send out. VHS tapes will be in 1.33:1 and will be open matted and cropped at the same time.

Visit the IndieGoGo and contribute today!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Finishing Up the Script for "Die Reise 3D". IndieGoGo Plans.

I know that Traumatic Possession 3D: Afterlife is the big one right now. I am still hammering away on it, but, my other passion project is Die Reise 3D. It's a script that I am collaborating on with a friend of mine from Germany. I am writing the film in English and my friend will translate the dialogue into German. German is second language as I lived there for a good three years. And I felt that if I want to show true acting range, give it in another language.

The basic gist of Die Reise 3D is that it takes place in Mexico. Since we do not have the money or resources to go to Mexico, we are buying stock footage from Clip Canvas. That means that we will need to get an IndieGoGo set up. Twenty clips of Mexico, storms, and coconut trees is a good $1.3k. There is a professional actor who is also interested in the project who has starred in movies all over the world. He even acted in a movie that Jackie Chan has produced. This actor will be playing the villain if we can get the funds to bring him to Mansfield. That will probably be another $1k.

Then, we need to get some money to buy Royalty Free music and I found some great pieces. I want to budget the film at a good $700 to make it rounded up to $3k. And then, finally, another thousand to take care of the cast and crew while we make the movie. Even though that this is a small budget, it will be a daring task.

An idea, if we can get the money from IndieGoGo, going back and doing a limited edition HD-DVD-R copy of the film for those die hard fans who still love that format. Hell, even BETA copies with the VHS! But, these are very expensive routes and I would have to pump out copies in these formats for a very expensive price tag. So, it's just something that's been on my mind.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Updates and Projects

Giving you guys an update on the projects:

Untitled Orlando Eastwood 3D Documentary (2015) [Filming]
Filming is under way.
Die Riese 3D (2015) [Pre-Production]
Filming set for Spring 2015. Funding needed for stock footage.
Traumatic Possession 3D: Afterlife (2015) [Pre-Production]
Doing an IndieGoGo to raise funds.
Untitled Stephen McKinney Project (2015) [Pre-Production]
Scripting is under way.
Ali: A Cat's Tale (2015) [Pre-Production]
Traumatic Possession 3D: Hawai'i - Vol. I (2015) [Pre-Production]
Scripting is almost complete.
Maze of Thought 3D (2016) [Pre-Production]
Working out contracts for redrafts on Eastwood's script. Stephen McKinney might direct.

We are currently working up plans for the IndieGoGo. Check back soon for updates.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

I Cannot Confirm of Deny This.

While I was checking my IMDB page the other day after adding my headshot, I had noticed something was added to my directing credits. Something very big! I cannot confirm nor deny this credit. I am currently working on getting Traumatic Possession 3D: Afterlife and doing a documentary that we are currently filming right now. Cheers.