This is my first blog post to Minds. This post and any future blog posts on Minds will also be copied over to my Blogger/Blogspot blog. This is just so that my small following over there can read what I write here. I think it's only fair for those who don't feel like signing up to fifty million different social media services.
My stage name is Orlando Eastwood. I am a 27 year old indie filmmaker and business owner who lives not too far away from Columbus, OH. I officially launched my film studio Orlando Eastwood Films back in February of 2016. We make our own feature films and license features for home video, television/streaming, and theatrical uses. Filmmaking has been and always will be my passion in life. I have pursued it since I was just a small child at the age of four and knew that I always wanted make movies after watching numerous old-school Godzilla films.
I joined Minds after seeing several people writing about it on social media and talking about it on Youtube videos. I figured with how this place is structured, why not. I have been getting incredibly frustrated with Facebook, Twitter, and even Youtube in terms of how things are being handled for us people who are out there to entertain and/or inform the masses.
With Facebook, I am especially tired of it being an Anti-Trump propaganda machine. Twitter is that way too, but, I use Facebook for my personal use. And I am not saying it's the people that I am friends with, I am not trying to suppress their views or rights in any way. However, when I see my "News Feed" whenever I am surfing the web while I work, it's all bullshit about Donald Trump or anyone in his cabinet be it Mike Pence or Kellyanne Conway or whoever. It's very tiring and annoying because it's not just one of the three main snippets you see on the feed, it's all of it.
Facebook, like Twitter, are harsh on censorship; especially if you show support to Trump. I don't really call it support, more like Patriotism and showing respect for your country and calling people out on bullshit. My personal Facebook page was getting hit with claims of harassment, but, would not tell me exactly what comment I said. In fact, wouldn't tell me at all, just that I had been reported for something.
Facebook won't even properly block shit anymore for you. Pages that are nothing more than just Anti-Trump propaganda pages like Uproxx, Buzzfeed, and several others are blocked but they still pop up in my news feed and are still visible from friends who share links from said blocked pages. I don't want to see that shit, stop putting that garbage in my feed.
And even now, I am dealing with another stalker and Facebook won't do nothing unless I just block him. How is this all right for business? You can delete someone's post for their views on Trump, but, cyberstalking is okay? For example, this deranged lunatic is stalking my Twitter page and then going on to Facebook and tries to shame me for my tweets. He did it once before and on January 23rd, I made a tweet with an image stating; "Oh, boy! The SJW Police are out to get me! Sharing my tweets all over social media calling me a MISOGYNIST! WHAH! HILLARY DIDN'T WIN!"
Almost a month later, came back and tried to do it again. This time, I posted the whole conversation and he tried to continue it with me just ignoring him after a certain point. It's sad and pathetic if you think you can use my tweets or posts with my views against me. Sticks and stones my brake my bones, but my own words will never hurt me.
And Twitter, throttles me with me trying to get followers. Their whole schematic for how this works makes no sense. If you're trying to get followers and you follow people, wouldn't you think that you'd be able to follow as many people as possible to build your brand? Even the other day, Twitter sent me a strange email stating that my account was possibly hacked when it wasn't. Makes no sense.
Finally, Youtube. As much as I love uploading stuff, I've been on a self hiatus for the past few months because the service has been turning me off in terms of how they view "social justice" and the "social justice warriors". Also, I have been hit nonstop with bogus copyright claims. Most of the time it's from the Kevin MacLeod and Frank Nora music; however, I just got hit with a copyright claim from MGM over the public domain film, the Screaming Skull.
It's sad how MGM is bullying the public over a film that is public domain when they had no rights to it in the first place. MGM acquired American International Pictures who let a large majority of their films lapse into the public domain, films like House on Haunted Hill; a Bucket of Blood; the Last Man on Earth; etc. There's some films that are Public Domain here in the United States, but, are not outside of the country; like some of the old-school Gamera films; Santa Claus Conquers the Martians; etc. Some of those movies, even though I have masters for them in HD, I am not even going to mess them with because those studios do control how they're uploaded on Youtube and that's out of my hands.
Outside of these concerns, I have been busy working on the studio stuff. Finishing up everything on the VHS and the DVD releases for Toaster and getting ready to send out and pay up for the copyright on our release of the film. I will be submitting another one when we get around to making the sweet Blu-ray release since we're wanting to do a nice first-run collector's edition of the film. It's amazing that after a year, we're pretty much at the finish line for it. My clients; Dave, Nate, and Mike have been very great and supportive that I have chosen their film as my studio's first distributed title. I chose it over my own first film because I really believe in it.
I am waiting on my income taxes to come back so I can finish the VHS release, I still have buy the cases; pay for the cover art to be printed; and buy the labels to stick on the actual tape. And I am going to be doing both the spine label and the face label on the actual tape to give it that charm.
After we're done with that we're going to be working on the new English dubbing and soundtrack for the public domain film Vampyr; which our version will be called Vampyr: The Castle of Doom. I finished the new widescreen 1.66:1 version since the public domain had foreign subtitles on it and also did color tinting to highlight the mood of the film. We will probably have a VHS of that ready in May or June with an Amazon OnDemand DVD-R release probably a month after.
Then at the end of March; I am planning to film the new segments of Traumatic Possession 3D: The Tape. I am effectively pulling a "George Lucas" for my first feature. I was never too pleased with the film and on top of losing the original project files when my Toshiba died in 2014, I needed to provide a new edit any way for the film. So, it's about time we got around to finishing that. Still undecided on how I want to do the VHS release for this film; maybe do a split 50-50 on the 100 copies. Do half as 1.33:1 semi-open matte / semi-cropped and do the other half as the original 2.35:1 aspect ratio that I prefer. Or just do it all in 1.33:1; I haven't fully decided yet.
Thank you for reading.
-Orlando Eastwood
-Orlando Eastwood
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