So, these last few months, a guy has been in competition with me on reserving these posters. I was told from some of the workers that its a guy who is supposedly remodeling his home theater or something like that. So, whenever they changed the posters out, this guy was beating me to the punch on them. And sometimes, depending on who is working back in the video and make up department, might not remember to put the posters on hold. And back around November or so, I had posters on hold for Amazing Spider-Man 2 and X-Men: Days of Future Past. While, X-Men was still up on the wall, I noticed that they forgot to hold ASM2 and I had noticed it in the bin. While at the same time, there was two other posters that I was wanting that this guy beat me too; Captain America: The Winter Soldier and Godzilla.
Now, I have had it happen where I might reserve a poster and I either get beaten to it or they forgot to hold it and someone bought it. If that happens, it's not the end of the world. If it's a poster that I really want, I'll hunt down an original theatrical poster on eBay. The Godzilla poster was something that I was hunting down frantically on eBay for this video store poster and was having no real luck finding it. So, when I saw it in that bin, I was in seventh heaven. My fiancee knew that I was going batty over this poster. When I saw it in that bin, I grabbed it so fast.
So, cut to the end of November around Thanksgiving. We go in to see that the X-Men poster was down. The girl who was working the cash register explained to me the situation regarding the poster. Apparently he threw a violent fit in the store that they weren't holding the posters for him and so the cashier handed over the poster to him because they were horrified by his behavior.
I had knew about this for a good two months now and didn't feel a real need to discuss this, until now. Yesterday we went to go pay some bills and see if there was any new posters. I didn't have any on hold and saw that they had Dawn of the Planet of the Apes on up on the wall. So, I go to the counter and ask the girl and she informs me that; "Due to some changes in policy, we won't hold the posters any more. First come, first serve."
Good! Because BABY BOY cried and threw a temper tantrum in the store, he ruined it for all of us and on top it, himself. I am going to be constantly checking for that Guardians of the Galaxy poster that is up there. He wanted to make his point and cause stress upon this great establishment, my turn. I love renting movies and buying posters from Drug Mart. Good day!
The Godzilla video store poster on my wall looks great in a frame!
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