While we're working on filming and trying to be wrapping up on American Nightmare 3D and possibly shooting another film as soon as we're done called Consumed 3D; I want to address the elephant in the room, Simon Lange and his return. We were planning on having Simon Lange back almost two years ago, but, we needed a budget. And also, with how American Nightmare 3D ends and establishing a "universe" in my films, AN3D has a connection with Simon Lange and Damien Frost. The plan was to make a sequel to American Nightmare 3D called the Next Day. The plan now is to integrate the Next Day into Afterlife thus making this an epic three hour feature, or possibly longer than three hours.
While we have shot most of the ending to AN3D with green screen elements which need finished with the bathroom back drop being a bloody mess. Simon Lange is not in the initially shot ending, but, who knows. We might just give a tease to Afterlife and bring a Simon Lange cameo into the film. That's not to say that the ending is all ready a tease to Afterlife.
We will be recasting and doing flashbacks for most of the characters who appeared in American Nightmare 3D as Christina will be playing a character known as "The Villain" in Afterlife and I will be playing Damien Frost and doing double duty with Jamie on Simon Lange. Lionel Wallace, played by Abby, will be re-casted as there is a Rebecca Lange flashback and footage from The Tape will be seen in Afterlife.
Another problem we might run across is the run time. If we make the movie long as in over three hours, we might have to divide the film in two. And the problem is where to say; "Roll Credits"! Even though I did a whole rant and didn't really get to focus and concentrate for a majority of the movie, Attack on Titan: Part I just kind of stopped. You had this whole revelation about what happens to the main character and someone is laughing and the movie ends. Matrix Reloaded did that too. The only other movie that I can think of that didn't do that was Kill Bill Vol. I. It might just end up being Afterlife - Part I & 2: Traumatic Possession 3D. Time will tell on that decision.
The next draft of Afterlife: Traumatic Possession 3D will commence once we finish up post-production on American Nightmare 3D.
Blog from indie filmmaker Orlando Eastwood. Visit his IMDB page at http://imdb.com/name/nm2194326/
Sunday, October 25, 2015
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
The Orlando Eastwood Channel
So, big plans for the studio. We're working on the new website which will probably launch sometime in 2016. We still got a long ways to go on it, but, I have a section called "COMING SOON". In this section, I make reference to the shop, which will launch when we open. Hopefully in 2017/2018, we will be launching our own internet network! The Orlando Eastwood Channel is coming...
I've been looking at service providers and I have lowered it down to the line. I just have to contact them once we're within reach of going live. This place also gives you the option of multiple broadcasting channels. We are thinking of starting one channel and then moving on to a second channel. The initial roll out channel will be an eight hour loop which will repeat three times a day. We will repeating a whole daily broadcasts to help make viewing better. There will also be a VOD option.
I will be doing a video podcast regarding this whole channel soon.
I've been looking at service providers and I have lowered it down to the line. I just have to contact them once we're within reach of going live. This place also gives you the option of multiple broadcasting channels. We are thinking of starting one channel and then moving on to a second channel. The initial roll out channel will be an eight hour loop which will repeat three times a day. We will repeating a whole daily broadcasts to help make viewing better. There will also be a VOD option.
I will be doing a video podcast regarding this whole channel soon.
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
#Waiting4ThisDay aka Birthday Celebration aka Attack on Titan aka NSFW aka Fan Vs Fanboy/Girl Rant
So, I know I am supposed to be AWOL here, but, I got a long NSFW rant here. Please divert your virgin eyes any further as I am going to be dropping some serious bombs here on FUNimation and various other things. Before I begin my rant, I want to quote 42nd Street Pete. Here's a film historian who focuses primarily on adult and exploitation films from the 60's to 80's. If anyone reads this and feels that my view is wrong on 42nd Street Pete, I do apologize for this generalization of the man. But, he knows his stuff regarding those two topics at hand that I have mentioned. I am wanting to share a quote with you from Mr. Pete regarding fans versus fanboys and fangirls. This was from his 42nd Street Pete radio show from January 8th, 2011:
Let me skip back to the beginning of September; Attack on Titan: Part I & II were announced for a small limited theatrical release here in the United States. I was dead excited. There was a theater that I go out to Columbus that both Abby and Bob Tesla turned me onto. This theater was announced later after a movie theater in the opposite direction in Oberlin was announced first. My fiancée and I were kinda opposed to the idea of Oberlin as it was unfamiliar to both of us.
The showtimes slowly updated through the weeks and a week or so in September and we saw that the theater in Columbus was playing Attack on Titan: Part I and was playing for a whole week as opposed to the three odd showtimes that the theater in Oberlin were playing it. And Tuesdays are the only day my fiancée doesn't have class and easy for us with our day jobs. The theater in Columbus had it scheduled for a 1:30 PM and 7:30 PM on the 6th whereas Oberlin was playing it only at 7:30 PM. Columbus worked in our favor. Columbus worked. Then the release date came for Part I and all hell had broken loose.
With this whole digital projection stuff, it's all computers and computing. Consider it like Netflix whereas if something is wrong with a video on Netflix, everyone sees the flaws across the country until Netflix fixes it. So, the subtitles screwed up on the last half of the movie and continuously displays; I've been waiting for this day!
Guess what? Theater in Columbus is effected by this subtitle problem. Oberlin received a good copy. All the showtimes were pushed back by a day to get the fixed version with the subtitles. I was bummed out and my fiancée knew that this was what I wanted to do for my birthday even though it wasn't until a week or so later. She felt bad, I felt bad, but; she wanted to make it right and we went to Oberlin. The theatrical experience made me go into a frenzy and I almost violent. Violence almost ensued at this movie theater.
A group of fanboys and fangirls came running into the theater wearing all this snazzy Attack on Titan apparel with pennants for their scout group and what not all over themselves. The biggest "attention whore crying out 'look at me, I need attention'." These cunts and I mean the word cunt with a passion. This group of kids sit next to my fiancée and I and blab through the whole fucking movie because of the changes. As a filmmaker, I can go on and on about the legal nightmare that it would be to get actual Japanese teenagers to do all the roles needed for this film. And I could go on that since it's a Japanese movie and that the kids have some European names and some have blonde hair and blue eyes, I am sorry that this is a Japanese film with Japanese actors. I am sure Toho could have given a bigger budget for this film, but, I am sure that the Japanese actors who auditioned for Eren and Armin knocked the casting directors dead for their roles.
But, my God, my fiancée even yelled at them to shut up after I went out twice to talk to management about these kids. Did anyone working there at the theater do anything? No. Just telling them to please be quiet DOES NOTHING! You kick these fuckers out and say DON'T COME BACK! One of these cunt-rag's phone went off and he answered it in the fucking theater. I was about raging hard. The blood was pumping hard in my hands and head. These were fanboys and fangirls, not fans.
To sit there and just criticize while there's a whole audience who paid hard earned money to watch this movie and to have it spoiled by you means you have no respect for art of film. Actual fans would have just sat there and took the story in. No film adaption, be it of a book or cartoon or of an older movie is usually good. There's few exceptions to this rule, but, I that's a topic for another day. These are the same kids who probably fifteen years ago thought that anything Japanese was for the weird kids. And probably also illegally torrent anime off the internet instead of supporting the genre which has been going the way of music via compact disc.
This is why I quoted 42nd Street Pete in the opening. Fans go all out to support their genres of choice. In the case of anime, my interests have died down these past few years with the exception of Studio Ghibli titles which are must watch at all costs. In my late teenage years and early adult years, even to this day; I've tried to attend theatrical screenings of Studio Ghibli films. I've managed to see big screen showings of Ponyo, Secret World of Arrietty, and When Marnie was There. I made my fiancée aware of Studio Ghibli films even though she had all ready seen Kiki's Delivery Service. And she even bought me the Blu-ray for that and Spirited Away.
Fanboys just download all this shit illegally and wonder why you can't find this shit in stores and distributed here in the United States. They've been subsequently killing the genre that they love and they do not care. These cunts probably downloaded all the episodes of Attack on Titan and said; "Fuck buying that shit!" Netflix has it currently for streaming and even then, probably don't have nine dollars to pay for that.
This is how hardcore of a fan I am, by no means I am not die hard like 42nd Street Pete, but, I do consider myself a fan of cinema and the art of film. Since I am a pro at encoding movies, I know how make my own private back ups of foreign movies with English subtitles so I can show my friends and my fiancée. I cough the money for German Blu-rays and use my skills with the German language to make a coherent English subtitle script for my personal viewing pleasure. I just went out yesterday before going to Oberlin to Best Buy to pick up Blu-ray copies of Tremors 5: Bloodlines and When Marnie was There. I show my support and loyalty to the high definition format and studios because maybe if I do this, I might get my wish and have a sixth Tremors movie.
As a fan, if there's a movie that I really love, I try to track down movie posters and various other goodies by studios. I have a giant box filled with over a hundred movie posters as well as numerous movie posters that are in nice 27 x 40 frames. And being regarded as a misfit, I was heavily inspired by Godzilla and Japanese cinema. I have a nice collection of Godzilla stuff up on my wall that is just amazing. I got posters, DVDs from all over the world, German and Spanish and U.S. Blu-rays that I have shoved fistfuls of dollars out to the various Amazons. I've been in love with Godzilla since I was three years old and it's a lifelong love that kids in school made fun of me for.
But, within the last fifteen years, we took a turn where all this nerdy stuff became mainstream. Some point after the Star Wars prequels and the Lord of the Rings films, this stuff became real mainstream. And with that, anime and nerd culture with scientific stuff became the norm. High school girls who were probably against that shit completely thirty years ago are now dealing with their kids who just eat this shit up like it's going out of style. These Marvel comic book films are filled with teenagers and teen girls who probably wouldn't give two shits about Iron Man or Avengers fifteen years ago and would have given me no time of day if I ever mentioned Hulk or Captain America. So, to this generation that loves this nerd shit with the Big Bang Theory, you can all go fuck yourselves.
Let's move on to Funimation. These assholes are the ones to blame for who fucked it for me and my fiancée. According to Bloody Disgusting, this is what Funimation gave in terms of an explanation;
So, let me repeat that; the handful of theaters that experienced the subtitle problem last night did not implement the fix, which resulted in the glitch during their screenings. And then they say and I repeat; FUNimation will be hardcoding subtitles on Attack on Titan Part 2 and other future releases to prevent this problem from happening again. So, they knew that there was a problem, blames the theaters and then this whole mishap goes down. And then claims that they'll actually burn the subtitles into the video for the movie itself for Attack on Titan Part 2. If you weren't planning on releasing the film dubbed into English along with the Japanese version with English subs, why make the subtitles a separate file in the DCP? No one will know the difference if you give the theaters a master that has the subtitles in the video file itself? No, we wouldn't! And to give this bullshit spiel is ridiculous. A part of me wants to just say; "Fuck you, Funimation! I'll buy the Hong Kong Blu-rays when they come out in the next few months!"
If you honestly knew that this was messed up, why even send it out to theaters to screen in the first place? And I even ranted on Facebook to which fanboys ranted back at me about my misfortune of not being able to see it in Columbus. Funimation almost not got my money! Bastards shouldn't have even gotten my cash. So, fuck you Funimation. I've been waiting for this day!
There is a difference between a fan and a fanboy.
Real fans respect the genre.
And we were happy to get anything associated with the genre. Be it books, toys, model kits, or whatever. We didn't have much to choose from, but, we were fucking happy to have anything. We were a minority. We were castigated and ridiculed for liking this stuff. We were branded weirdoes, creeps, and misfits and we wore that mantle proudly. We didn't want to be like anyone else. We respected the genre. Then came the fanboys.
Then you have the internet critics that, you know, criticize everything from content to box art and granted, these fuckers never saw the film in an actual theater. But, it'll take me the task because I didn't see this or I didn't see that. And these are the same guys who get a fuckin' woody for every little remake that's announced and things and says how much the original suck and say how much the new Last House on the Left was much better than the original.
And someone goes, the films are all streaked and beat up and stuff and that we changed the soundtracks. You're lucky we put the fucking shit out. And no matter what we do, they're bitching about it! And you know, unfortunately, the people who have good things to say are the minority because they are overshadowed with these fucking scumbags that keep doing this and fucking pissing all over the genre. It's really fucked up. Like I said; I grew up with this shit. You know, I wore my fuckin' weirdness and offbeat-ness as a badge of honor as I didn't want to be like everyone else. And now they took this whole, thick corporate crap and make it horror.In regards to burning film prints of exploitation films, Pete says;
No, it taking away what they want and breaks their little fanboy hearts to see something that they can't fucking download or fucking criticize.
They're not respecting anyone in this fucking genre. [In regards to illegal downloads of his restoration work.]
Let me skip back to the beginning of September; Attack on Titan: Part I & II were announced for a small limited theatrical release here in the United States. I was dead excited. There was a theater that I go out to Columbus that both Abby and Bob Tesla turned me onto. This theater was announced later after a movie theater in the opposite direction in Oberlin was announced first. My fiancée and I were kinda opposed to the idea of Oberlin as it was unfamiliar to both of us.
The showtimes slowly updated through the weeks and a week or so in September and we saw that the theater in Columbus was playing Attack on Titan: Part I and was playing for a whole week as opposed to the three odd showtimes that the theater in Oberlin were playing it. And Tuesdays are the only day my fiancée doesn't have class and easy for us with our day jobs. The theater in Columbus had it scheduled for a 1:30 PM and 7:30 PM on the 6th whereas Oberlin was playing it only at 7:30 PM. Columbus worked in our favor. Columbus worked. Then the release date came for Part I and all hell had broken loose.
With this whole digital projection stuff, it's all computers and computing. Consider it like Netflix whereas if something is wrong with a video on Netflix, everyone sees the flaws across the country until Netflix fixes it. So, the subtitles screwed up on the last half of the movie and continuously displays; I've been waiting for this day!
Guess what? Theater in Columbus is effected by this subtitle problem. Oberlin received a good copy. All the showtimes were pushed back by a day to get the fixed version with the subtitles. I was bummed out and my fiancée knew that this was what I wanted to do for my birthday even though it wasn't until a week or so later. She felt bad, I felt bad, but; she wanted to make it right and we went to Oberlin. The theatrical experience made me go into a frenzy and I almost violent. Violence almost ensued at this movie theater.
A group of fanboys and fangirls came running into the theater wearing all this snazzy Attack on Titan apparel with pennants for their scout group and what not all over themselves. The biggest "attention whore crying out 'look at me, I need attention'." These cunts and I mean the word cunt with a passion. This group of kids sit next to my fiancée and I and blab through the whole fucking movie because of the changes. As a filmmaker, I can go on and on about the legal nightmare that it would be to get actual Japanese teenagers to do all the roles needed for this film. And I could go on that since it's a Japanese movie and that the kids have some European names and some have blonde hair and blue eyes, I am sorry that this is a Japanese film with Japanese actors. I am sure Toho could have given a bigger budget for this film, but, I am sure that the Japanese actors who auditioned for Eren and Armin knocked the casting directors dead for their roles.
But, my God, my fiancée even yelled at them to shut up after I went out twice to talk to management about these kids. Did anyone working there at the theater do anything? No. Just telling them to please be quiet DOES NOTHING! You kick these fuckers out and say DON'T COME BACK! One of these cunt-rag's phone went off and he answered it in the fucking theater. I was about raging hard. The blood was pumping hard in my hands and head. These were fanboys and fangirls, not fans.
To sit there and just criticize while there's a whole audience who paid hard earned money to watch this movie and to have it spoiled by you means you have no respect for art of film. Actual fans would have just sat there and took the story in. No film adaption, be it of a book or cartoon or of an older movie is usually good. There's few exceptions to this rule, but, I that's a topic for another day. These are the same kids who probably fifteen years ago thought that anything Japanese was for the weird kids. And probably also illegally torrent anime off the internet instead of supporting the genre which has been going the way of music via compact disc.
This is why I quoted 42nd Street Pete in the opening. Fans go all out to support their genres of choice. In the case of anime, my interests have died down these past few years with the exception of Studio Ghibli titles which are must watch at all costs. In my late teenage years and early adult years, even to this day; I've tried to attend theatrical screenings of Studio Ghibli films. I've managed to see big screen showings of Ponyo, Secret World of Arrietty, and When Marnie was There. I made my fiancée aware of Studio Ghibli films even though she had all ready seen Kiki's Delivery Service. And she even bought me the Blu-ray for that and Spirited Away.
Fanboys just download all this shit illegally and wonder why you can't find this shit in stores and distributed here in the United States. They've been subsequently killing the genre that they love and they do not care. These cunts probably downloaded all the episodes of Attack on Titan and said; "Fuck buying that shit!" Netflix has it currently for streaming and even then, probably don't have nine dollars to pay for that.
This is how hardcore of a fan I am, by no means I am not die hard like 42nd Street Pete, but, I do consider myself a fan of cinema and the art of film. Since I am a pro at encoding movies, I know how make my own private back ups of foreign movies with English subtitles so I can show my friends and my fiancée. I cough the money for German Blu-rays and use my skills with the German language to make a coherent English subtitle script for my personal viewing pleasure. I just went out yesterday before going to Oberlin to Best Buy to pick up Blu-ray copies of Tremors 5: Bloodlines and When Marnie was There. I show my support and loyalty to the high definition format and studios because maybe if I do this, I might get my wish and have a sixth Tremors movie.
As a fan, if there's a movie that I really love, I try to track down movie posters and various other goodies by studios. I have a giant box filled with over a hundred movie posters as well as numerous movie posters that are in nice 27 x 40 frames. And being regarded as a misfit, I was heavily inspired by Godzilla and Japanese cinema. I have a nice collection of Godzilla stuff up on my wall that is just amazing. I got posters, DVDs from all over the world, German and Spanish and U.S. Blu-rays that I have shoved fistfuls of dollars out to the various Amazons. I've been in love with Godzilla since I was three years old and it's a lifelong love that kids in school made fun of me for.
But, within the last fifteen years, we took a turn where all this nerdy stuff became mainstream. Some point after the Star Wars prequels and the Lord of the Rings films, this stuff became real mainstream. And with that, anime and nerd culture with scientific stuff became the norm. High school girls who were probably against that shit completely thirty years ago are now dealing with their kids who just eat this shit up like it's going out of style. These Marvel comic book films are filled with teenagers and teen girls who probably wouldn't give two shits about Iron Man or Avengers fifteen years ago and would have given me no time of day if I ever mentioned Hulk or Captain America. So, to this generation that loves this nerd shit with the Big Bang Theory, you can all go fuck yourselves.
Let's move on to Funimation. These assholes are the ones to blame for who fucked it for me and my fiancée. According to Bloody Disgusting, this is what Funimation gave in terms of an explanation;
Both FUNimation and fans of Attack on Titan have been waiting for the day when the live action movie would open in theaters in the U.S. Unfortunately, fans at a handful of theaters last night did not have the experience that we hoped they would have.
As reported online, there was a glitch in the middle of the Attack on Titan Part 1 which caused the subtitles to freeze on a single line of text for 10 or more minutes while the movie continued to play. FUNimation became aware of the subtitle problem on Monday, September 28. All exhibitors were alerted to the issue and worked with Deluxe to provide a simple fix that same day to correct the software error. FUNimation and Deluxe followed up with all exhibitors the next day – Tuesday, September 29.
The handful of theaters that experienced the subtitle problem last night did not implement the fix, which resulted in the glitch during their screenings. Our theatrical division and Deluxe are in contact with these specific locations to confirm the fix is being implemented and what, if any, assistance FUNimation can provide to ensure this problem does not occur again during the remainder of the Attack on Titan Part 1 theatrical run. FUNimation will be hardcoding subtitles on Attack on Titan Part 2 and other future releases to prevent this problem from happening again.
So, let me repeat that; the handful of theaters that experienced the subtitle problem last night did not implement the fix, which resulted in the glitch during their screenings. And then they say and I repeat; FUNimation will be hardcoding subtitles on Attack on Titan Part 2 and other future releases to prevent this problem from happening again. So, they knew that there was a problem, blames the theaters and then this whole mishap goes down. And then claims that they'll actually burn the subtitles into the video for the movie itself for Attack on Titan Part 2. If you weren't planning on releasing the film dubbed into English along with the Japanese version with English subs, why make the subtitles a separate file in the DCP? No one will know the difference if you give the theaters a master that has the subtitles in the video file itself? No, we wouldn't! And to give this bullshit spiel is ridiculous. A part of me wants to just say; "Fuck you, Funimation! I'll buy the Hong Kong Blu-rays when they come out in the next few months!"
If you honestly knew that this was messed up, why even send it out to theaters to screen in the first place? And I even ranted on Facebook to which fanboys ranted back at me about my misfortune of not being able to see it in Columbus. Funimation almost not got my money! Bastards shouldn't have even gotten my cash. So, fuck you Funimation. I've been waiting for this day!
Sunday, October 4, 2015
Damn Weather Means Green Screen Work!
So, I am not making this post right now as I shipped my computer back to get the money back as it was having problems before the warranty expired. My gain as I am saving up to buy a nice $700 computer from Best Buy! I am halfway through the saving up. I should hopefully have the computer ready to go by November. So, I am going to be offline for a month.
However, the weather got cold fast. My fiancée and decided that it would probably be best to go out and film the back drops on the family property where we filmed Campaign and shoot. That means we will be bringing the actors back to my place and inserting them into the footage and having them act in front of the green screen. I was talking to a new buddy of mine about this and he was pretty happy with my decision to do green screen instead of taking them out there to film. This will make the filming portions easy for everyone but it means that I will be working harder on the post-production process.
I personally feel that this is something that is a good challenge for me. It means that I'll be doing a lot more work to try to make the December deadline. If not, it's not the end of the world. I'll be back ... soon.
However, the weather got cold fast. My fiancée and decided that it would probably be best to go out and film the back drops on the family property where we filmed Campaign and shoot. That means we will be bringing the actors back to my place and inserting them into the footage and having them act in front of the green screen. I was talking to a new buddy of mine about this and he was pretty happy with my decision to do green screen instead of taking them out there to film. This will make the filming portions easy for everyone but it means that I will be working harder on the post-production process.
I personally feel that this is something that is a good challenge for me. It means that I'll be doing a lot more work to try to make the December deadline. If not, it's not the end of the world. I'll be back ... soon.
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