Wednesday, July 24, 2013

EDIT 8/21: *IGNORE* 1080i Screencaps for "TP2D:TT".

Edit: 8/21/13: I am re-doing this transfer.

Yesterday, I created the 1080i high definition master for the 2D version of Traumatic Possession 3D: The Tape. I've also got some plans regarding the new 3D transfer which will be for 3DTVs and not the old school anaglyph 3D that we used for the theatrical release. We've scrapped that and we're going to re-do that transfer as well for the big "Bootleg Edition" DVD set coming at the end of 2013/beginning of 2014.

I created the 1080i transfer in MultiAVCHD from the original 720p material. It is slightly upscaled as I was originally planning to release the film on Blu-ray in 720p, but, ultimately decided against it. With a bitrate of 17.54 kbps at 10GB in the Mpeg 4 AVC format. The plan for the disc is to be:

  • 2D Theatrical Cut (with unrated audio, commentary, isolated score) - 10 GB
  • 3D Theatrical Cut (with unrated audio, commentary, isolated score) - 10 GB
  • Director's Cut - 10GB
  • Into the Madness: A Documentary - 10 GB
  • Bonus Materials (Workprint, subtitle tracks, etc.) - 10 GB
Now, the plan is this; it's going to be a two disc set called The Traumatic Possession Trilogy. Disc two will contain Traumatic Possession 2-3D and Traumatic Possession 3D: Apocalypse in both 2D and 3D versions on a BD-50. We'll be working on getting this all together in the following months after the sequels are shot and edited. However, I am trying to get a Blu-ray release in the works outside of the U.S. and have been seeking out studios in Asia. Visit the 1080i images here at Postimage!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Viva La France. Reviving "The Past".

Today is Bastille Day meaning that it's French Independence Day. After spending some time in France and Germany and the rest of Europe; I can say that I really had an overall pleasant experience in France over Germany. I consider it almost a second or third home to Hawaii being the first. And I have another stalker to add to the list too. Jesus Christ bananas people.

I found a giant busted binder full of notes that was written between 2003 to 2006. That would be the years I spent living in Europe. I found a lot of crazy shit in there that made me feel like that "lost American living in Europe" that I used to have. Going into shops and having to speak a totally different language other than English to get what I wanted. I had to be on my toes in order to speak either German or French because it's not only speaking it, it's hearing the people respond back to me and having to translate that within an instant of it being said.

Back to that binder, I found my passion again. I found a film I started writing in 2004 and I am totally wanting to do it. Since the filming for Traumatic Possession 3D: Apocalypse is probably getting pushed back, we could probably film this in it's place. That film was called And the Past Was Us. I remember thinking about that film for years. Even back when I was writing the stuff for Traumatic Possession 3D: The Tape.

I want to break away from horror and show how I can handle different genres. With having a studio, I want to cater to everyone. Make a comedy, horror, romance, etc. This film, And the Past Was Us is a film that does not have a basic protagonist/antagonist story to it; it's about a man who goes through hell and back. I started writing it while I was with my first ex-fiancee. Will I convert the film to 3D? Of course.

When will these planned films debut? For the film festival. We are going to do some kickstarter or indie-go-go campaign to raise money to take the films on the road. We'll screen all the films together back to back. I'm thinking we'll have the first screenings be in Columbus, back at the Grandview. Then, after that, Hawai'i?

Friday, July 5, 2013

"Traumatic Possession 3D: Apocalypse" Might Be Bumped From Filming in 2013.

While I'm not confirming that this is happening, Traumatic Possession 3D: Apocalypse might be pushed back to a spring 2014 shoot. Problem is, we're getting close to winter and I do not want to keep anyone out in the cold as the story is mostly outdoor for 95% of the script. I've been focusing too much on the script on Traumatic Possession 2 to get the script done for TP3D:A and I was strongly considering the second sequel first as opposed to shooting them in order.

The plan is still shoot three films. We might have to improvise and get to work on another script. I've been thinking about digging around in my boxes and seeing if I can find Death Syndrome. To let people in on this, it was the first full length script that I had written a good ten years ago in 2003 and the title was never meant to the final product's title. I wrote it shortly after fourteenth birthday in October 2003. It's a horror film about the beginning of the zombie apocalypse. If the script can be found for the film, I might just produce it and pass on directing it.

Maybe get around to doing a film in German or French. I would like to show my range as an actor and showing the ability that I have to do what it takes in another language.

Also, I have put an end to the podcasts. Just getting fed up with a lot of B.S. that goes on while I do them. I've put them in the "Private" category on Youtube. Will I unlock them one day? Who knows.