The VCD, retitled to Traumatic Possession 2D: The Tape, will be presented in 2.35 but will be stretched from 16:9 to 4:3. Once you have it playing, allow the television to stretch the image, so you will be able to see the film properly. I will also be putting a warning about this on the disc itself. The planned selling, don't hold me to this, is going at about $3. Release week, from January 15th to January 19th, the price will be lower, much lower.
I think after I get off work tonight, I'll get started on the scripting for Ghosts of Mansfield. I am at the point where I can pretty much see how the whole film is playing out and I need to get this all written down. I was talking to Stephen about it the other night at work. And this is probably going to be great horror movie and get him prepared to do his dream movie.
And I might get around to emailing the actress for Sadisme. It's starting to pick up steam. I was discussing this with my producer and she was getting excited that I want to make something like this and shoot it on actual film. I got back to Jordan and we discussed getting to work on the script this Summer.
It's currently 5:30 in the morning as I am writing this. The 3D conversion has been going on for about two and half hours and still has four to go. Hopefully, it'll be done by the time I get up. And I will be cutting another trailer, which will probably be the last one. Don't hold me to that. I might cut some promotional trailers whenever we have festival screenings.