I'll be making a video blog about this too. But, I am about to go to bed, I got to work at 8 am. Let me just say that there is no truth to what I am about to say. It is completely libel and I can actually file lawsuit for defamation of character and believe me, I will strongly consider it. Supposedly, there is a screenwriter out there named Damien Cain. If he is indeed real and this supposed "next big thing in horror" is filing a lawsuit against me for simply erasing and denying all of existence of him writing Halloween 3D. He erroneously calls me Orlando West and states; "Orlando West Made a Huge Mistake". Also states; "My lawyers are pursuing a lawsuit since he tampered with real source in the credits".
This "Damien Cain" has an IMDB page, but the page is blank whereas my IMDB page does have credits where you can actually visit those, short, film credits and rate and go on the message boards and comment and have a good time. Yes, I am feeding a troll and you shouldn't feed a troll. However, I have never had a troll claim lawsuit against me. You have no grounds on this. You have no proof that you are attached to Halloween 3D. And as of October of 2012, Halloween 3D is dead in the water because we would have had by now.
What I also like is that this "Damien Cain" has also gone on the IMDB and produced links, albeit fake, to watch a workprint of Fede Alverez remake of The Evil Dead. This is a no-no and I can easily forward this over to Sony and FilmDistrict who are handling this film and claim that the "next big thing in horror" screenwriter Damien Cain is leaking your film on the net. Also, "Damien Cain" is also making claims that he's worked on or is writing remakes and sequels to the following films; Demons, Friday the 13th, Evil Dead IV: Consequences; A Nightmare on Elm St. 2; and Scream 5.
If this "Damien Cain" can afford the legal fees to get a lawyer, please do. I appreciate the invalid and libel claims about me tampering with anything. I do not have any connections, yet, with The Weinstein Company and/or Platinum Dunes. Who knows, maybe in the next few years when I get some stuff off the ground. Hell, maybe if Campaign goes viral and I hope it does. You cannot file suit against someone who could have deleted some credits; IMDB is basically a glorified Wikipedia and anyone can update it.
Give some concrete evidence that you are working on this film. I have been working my ass off to try to give IMDB concrete evidence that I was a Production Assistant on the television show Lost, but they keep denying my credit. But, my page will be updating with Campaign; On the Road: Season One; Traumatic Possession 3D - Part 1: The Tape; and Into the Madness: A Documentary is going to be on IMDB in the coming months. That's called "working your ass off", Damien. You should try that if you want to make it in the business.
Orlando Eastwood.
Blog from indie filmmaker Orlando Eastwood. Visit his IMDB page at http://imdb.com/name/nm2194326/
Monday, October 22, 2012
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Misery Loves Company...
Ok, had a busy weekend back on the 13th and 14th. Fun times filming and we'll be out filming on the 26th through 28th on Campaign. We shot the B-Roll footage of the film back over the past weekend and we posted a thirty five second preview of that B-Roll footage, which is what you see above.
Also, I filmed my cousin and co-producer on Campaign; Abby Smith as She-Gor at Dr. Bob's Midnight Monster Movies. It took six hours to upload the fifteen minute video because it's HD. Ugh, it felt like an eternity. But, it was fun to shoot and I entered the costume contest as Patrick Bateman from American Psycho. I took third place and got three free passes to the Grandview and an Iron Man 2 toy that's like a Polly Pocket but it's War Machine's head, lol. Then after the contest we watched Nosferatu on the big screen and that was fucking beautiful to see on the big screen. If you are ever near Columbus, and it's the second Saturday, go check out the Midnight Monster Movies with Dr. Bob Tesla. Especially in January! When Traumatic Possession 3D - Part I: The Tape comes out.
And I've started a webseries called On the Road. Season one will consist of four episodes that will be thirty to forty-five minutes in length. Above is the intro, which has been altered since I've uploaded it. It displayed brighter than what it was on Sony Vegas. The show's premise is me hitting the road with buddies and splicing in old Public Domain films at the same time. Since we filmed the pilot on October 13th on my route to seeing Nosferatu, we cut footage of the film in with that episode. On the Road: Season One will be released on a DVD-R via Amazon on March 5th, 2013. Episode two is all ready being planned out. Episode three will be filmed in January when we go to the premiere of Traumatic Possession 3D - Part I. Episode four will be filmed in February with the DVD-R coming out the following month.
A buddy of mine who has been wanting to make movies, pitched a project to me. Basically what I did was that I brought him on for being the co-producer and casting director for Ghosts of Mansfield. He was wanting to do something paranormal and this thing had been on the back burner for the past two years. So, we'll probably film in December or January; depending on weather conditions. Other than that, it is exciting, but at the same time; I am miserable. I am going to be moving into my new home here in a few weeks and I will be taking some much needed time off from the internet. I am having these bad dreams about my ex and it's fucking haunting. And to have these dreams is giving me this horrible bout of depression and I am just constantly bitter towards everyone and everything. I really wish these things would go away. Hopefully, my move will do that. Other than that, I am going to head to Best Buy tomorrow and do an Upgrade and Save and pick up the double feature Blu-ray for I Spit on Your Grave for $5.
Friday, October 12, 2012
Cloud Atlas aka 10/12/12 aka "CAMPAIGN" Motherfucker!
I caught the five minute long trailer of Cloud Atlas the other day and I am not impressed with it. It seems that Andy and Larry or Lana keep trying to make something that's trying to be the next Star Wars or Blade Runner. After watching those Matrix sequels and Speed Racer, I've lost the faith that they could actually make a good movie. In the Matrix Revolutions with that kid screaming; "Zion! Zion, we did it! The war is over! The war is over!" You think? They are no longer dying left and right in front you, asshat! And Speed Racer, only saving graces to that film was Benno Furmann and Matthew Fox. Other than that, the movie was a horrible adaption of the classic anime.
I don't see Cloud Atlas making a lot of money; worldwide, I think it'll be ok. But in the U.S? No way in hell. I think that the Wachowski's had massive potentials to be the next James Cameron. Because James Cameron is the greatest filmmaker; he's made films that everyone wants to watch and has films make billions of dollars worldwide.
I know this blog posting won't be that long. I am heading out of town either tonight or tomorrow morning and I have to get ready for the trip. Will be filming some B-Roll footage of Columbus to have it double for New York City in "CAMPAIGN". I got the shirt needed for filming the other day and it looks perfect. The test photos in the shirt also look amazing. That's why I posted the "CENSORED" photo above. I'm gathering the crew together and things are looking to be pretty good.
I am moving in to my new home at the beginning of November and I will be looking at getting a second job to help support myself. That means that I will be giving up the internet for a while, but, I will be off doing what I love in the mean time. And speaking of being off the internet; since the monitor is fried on my laptop, I will not be taking it with me this weekend to Columbus. So, whatever footage that I'll be posting of the "CAMPAIGN" B-Roll will not be up until the early hours of Monday.
Since I am still rusty on Sony Vegas, I have been going in and slowly remastering my old film class PSA's in 720p HD. It's been tough, but fun. Below is the PSA I did called Ouch... Wear Sunscreen. It was filmed in November of 2006 and I had been back in Hawaii for about five months. I acted, co-produced, and was one of the editors on it. I only had the final cut in standard definition and none of the raw footage because it doesn't exist anymore. Luckily, I had that and not the television recording which I had on my old Youtube channel. With the remaster, I added some grain to give it a film-like look. Also, added a bit of yellow tinting to the image to help even out the harsh blue from my old miniDV camera. Even though it was a film class assignment, I actually brought my own equipment to shoot with because I didn't want to waste time on taking stuff from the studio. And finally went in scene-by-scene and re-framed it from 4:3 to 16:9. It looks good considering I blew it up from 640x360 to 1280x720 in terms of resolution.
And above is the old television recording that only managed to survive off of Youtube. I had a hard drive crash and sadly all of the television recordings were lost except for Crisis. Even the Depression Hurts PSA was lost too. I don't even have a digital file for that one, I only acted in it and couldn't find the miniDV from that group's collection of projects to make my own copy. I have all of the PSA's that I worked on except for one where I did a voice over impersonation of Foghorn Leghorn. I've been asking around for it and all of the people who I know that worked on it do not have a copy. So, I've officially called it "lost". It's a shame because I really felt proud of that impression.
I have also been listening to the Silent Hill: Book of Memories soundtrack off of Youtube. The Book of Memories version of Love Psalm is pretty damn good. Mary Elizabeth McGlynn is changing my views on her with everything that went down on that Silent Hill: HD Collection release. Daniel Licht is also doing a good job of composing the music. And two more weeks until Silent Hill: Revelations 3D hits theaters! Must refresh myself on Silent Hill 3 before I get around to seeing the movie. Also, I've been keeping my eyes out on a poster for the new movie. I have an autographed mini-poster of the first film and would like to get keep the tradition going for this one.
I don't see Cloud Atlas making a lot of money; worldwide, I think it'll be ok. But in the U.S? No way in hell. I think that the Wachowski's had massive potentials to be the next James Cameron. Because James Cameron is the greatest filmmaker; he's made films that everyone wants to watch and has films make billions of dollars worldwide.
I know this blog posting won't be that long. I am heading out of town either tonight or tomorrow morning and I have to get ready for the trip. Will be filming some B-Roll footage of Columbus to have it double for New York City in "CAMPAIGN". I got the shirt needed for filming the other day and it looks perfect. The test photos in the shirt also look amazing. That's why I posted the "CENSORED" photo above. I'm gathering the crew together and things are looking to be pretty good.
I am moving in to my new home at the beginning of November and I will be looking at getting a second job to help support myself. That means that I will be giving up the internet for a while, but, I will be off doing what I love in the mean time. And speaking of being off the internet; since the monitor is fried on my laptop, I will not be taking it with me this weekend to Columbus. So, whatever footage that I'll be posting of the "CAMPAIGN" B-Roll will not be up until the early hours of Monday.
Since I am still rusty on Sony Vegas, I have been going in and slowly remastering my old film class PSA's in 720p HD. It's been tough, but fun. Below is the PSA I did called Ouch... Wear Sunscreen. It was filmed in November of 2006 and I had been back in Hawaii for about five months. I acted, co-produced, and was one of the editors on it. I only had the final cut in standard definition and none of the raw footage because it doesn't exist anymore. Luckily, I had that and not the television recording which I had on my old Youtube channel. With the remaster, I added some grain to give it a film-like look. Also, added a bit of yellow tinting to the image to help even out the harsh blue from my old miniDV camera. Even though it was a film class assignment, I actually brought my own equipment to shoot with because I didn't want to waste time on taking stuff from the studio. And finally went in scene-by-scene and re-framed it from 4:3 to 16:9. It looks good considering I blew it up from 640x360 to 1280x720 in terms of resolution.
And above is the old television recording that only managed to survive off of Youtube. I had a hard drive crash and sadly all of the television recordings were lost except for Crisis. Even the Depression Hurts PSA was lost too. I don't even have a digital file for that one, I only acted in it and couldn't find the miniDV from that group's collection of projects to make my own copy. I have all of the PSA's that I worked on except for one where I did a voice over impersonation of Foghorn Leghorn. I've been asking around for it and all of the people who I know that worked on it do not have a copy. So, I've officially called it "lost". It's a shame because I really felt proud of that impression.
I have also been listening to the Silent Hill: Book of Memories soundtrack off of Youtube. The Book of Memories version of Love Psalm is pretty damn good. Mary Elizabeth McGlynn is changing my views on her with everything that went down on that Silent Hill: HD Collection release. Daniel Licht is also doing a good job of composing the music. And two more weeks until Silent Hill: Revelations 3D hits theaters! Must refresh myself on Silent Hill 3 before I get around to seeing the movie. Also, I've been keeping my eyes out on a poster for the new movie. I have an autographed mini-poster of the first film and would like to get keep the tradition going for this one.
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Selling Out aka IMBD, Quit Playin' Games With My Heart!
All right, I am getting into it with the IMDB over having my Production Assistant credit from Lost added to my IMDB page. Yes, that Lost. The 2004 television show that was shot in Hawai'i. In April 2008, my friends and I all arrived at school to see that there was lockers in the junior hall. Being as this is an outdoor school, we don't have lockers. We inspected them and noticed that they were very small. Principal and some of the other heads of the school were telling us to move along and not to bother them. We knew something was going on, but in no way did we know that it was going to be this big. I remember that day, I was in my film class the whole day. My teacher, told me the news that some location scouts came to the school and decided that it was fit for filming the flashback scenes for an episode. That's all that we were told.
Classes at this school are three a day, six total for the credit hours, so classes switched out everyday. I was in the middle of my teacher's assistant course where I helped out in the film class and I was offered a chance to go help out and get some hands on experience. Now, you got to understand something, this was not a normal hands on job. It was the real deal. I went up to the junior area where they were prepping everything. A woman who was like vulture got on me as soon as I stepped foot past the first class room got on me and after trying to explain to her that I was called; another producer came out and he greeted me and sent her off. He told me to come back at the end of the day and he'll show me the ropes.
I walk back down the hall closest to the building where my film class was at and I was kinda surprised by what I just experienced. I went back to talk to my teacher and she was excited that I am achieving what I want to do with my life and it was with such a major television show. I remember going back into the second studio in the building as the first studio with the control room was being used by the students who's papers I usually grade.
The feelings and thoughts going through my head were kinda like; "Wow! This is Lost and you are now a part it coming to life from production to screen." It was surreal. After the day passed and everyone was waiting for buses, I went up the hall that was filled with students who were told that they cannot go past this point. I go up to the security guard and I tell him that I was asked to be apart of helping around the show. After a minute, he asks for an ID and I pull out my military ID to verify that I am Stephen Flannery. After that, he let me go right past him and the producer who I met earlier greeted me. I signed some documents stating that I would not tell anyone what I saw until after it aired.
We proceeded to go around the sets that were created on campus. Since most of the classes are pretty much set as is, there's not much to do in terms of work. All I did was help place a few things here and there in the health room which doubled as some teacher's office. There was a silver plate and some glass tea sets and some other stuff around. Also, there was guys putting up these wooden plaques all over the filming area of the fake school. The school in this episode was called Corwin Heights which was supposedly out in California somewhere.
The producer and I talked about various stuff while going around and checking if everything was ready to go. First thing off the bat; "Do you watch Lost? Do you have any knowledge of the show?" I gave him the rundown on how I first saw the show. I was in Germany and I saw it dubbed in German before the government AFN stations got it for us to view in English. So, by the time season one was over, it was playing on those AFN stations. And that after I made it back to the U.S. and had cable and hundreds of other channels that my interest in the show was kinda lost; pun!
One of the main things that I had asked was what J.J. Abrams' input was because Cloverfield came out three months prior and I was wanting to know how he went back and fourth from Lost to Cloverfield. He told me, straight up, that it is all him. Something around the lines was said that J.J. comes in once a month and gives all the producers and others bottles of champagne and would tell them "Thank you for your hard work".
Met the actors; and seeing as this was a flashback segment being filmed here, I knew off the top of my head who this flashback was centered on. The producer, he asked me at one point if I knew who it could be. I told him and he kinda chuckled and just continued on. Several hours had passed it was finally getting late and we said our goodbyes and he wished me the best in my career as a filmmaker.
So, now we are onto the IMDB. I am having a problem getting this P.A. credit added. Besides one photo I have of me on the set, I do not have anything else to prove that I was even working on the show. After oddly going up against them for years on getting Maze of Thought, Crisis, and Truth in Meanings added; now they are fighting against me again and not believing that I did this. Here is the only photo that proves that I was on the set of Lost:
Now; for the "Selling Out" part of this blog entry. I know I wrote a shit ton all ready, but after everything that is going on, I feel like being a bit of an ass. I was discussing with my cousin The Evil Dead remake and the draft that was written by the director before Diablo Cody was brought in to give it a polish. This thing is fucking atrocious and it is nothing like the original Sam Raimi film. To sum the script, it has no soul that can be swallowed.
To spoil the draft of the script, the characters are one dimensional and you can honestly careless who is who. It likes to make you think that this character is the lead when all of the sudden it pulls a magic trick on you and this person is actually the lead. This film was made for nothing more to piss off fans. I feel this is straight up deliberate, maybe for hating on Spider-Man 3. There is no way that Sam Raimi could honestly feel this could compete with his original classic. With Diablo Cody doing a polish just makes it a million times worse. I hated her hipster bullshit dialog that she put in Juno and Jennifer's Body. I am not giving Young Adult a chance, seeing as how Charlize Theron's character in the trailer wants to court an ex-boyfriend who's now a married man, is fucking stupid.
So, with "CAMPAIGN" going on; I essentially realized that this is basically what selling out is, to the internet cool kids. So, without listing what "CAMPAIGN" is. I am going to create a list of stuff that I want to make or remake or a character I want to portray.
This is a German television series that was adapted into a film in 2012. After viewing the film and seeing some of the episodes of the television series; I would like to adapt the film for an English speaking audience. I felt that the film version worked a million times better than the show. With the show, it felt kinda incestuous as the two characters had lived under one roof for a certain amount of time and then they fall in love.
The film version plays out like a reluctant romantic comedy with a Cast Away type theme. A girl who is going on vacation with her crazed mother ends up stranded with a brother and sister and a Greek traveler who has a stutter. The girl tries to be the leader of the group and fails miserably and through a turn of events falls in love.
Sadly, I feel that the 2007 remake did way too much damage to the original film. If Sean Bean was not playing John Ryder in it, I would completely disown the film. What I really loved about the original is the dedication that John Ryder has to destroy Jim. To show Jim what hell really is. The remake had no soul to it. Hell, the straight to video sequel The Hitcher II: I've Been Waiting... is a much better film that the 2007 remake.
It was given a television movie in 2005 with Christina Applegate. While the TV movie was all right, I felt there could have been more of an emotional punch with the material that James Patterson had written. I remember reading the book in 2007 and being amazed by it. This was completely different from most of the Alex Cross novels that I had written. I feel I could make a better adaption of this film.
My close friends know that I was working with Uwe Boll in 2008 and that I was working on some stuff for him that went nowhere. Did a draft of Janjaweed aka Attack on Darfur, treatment for In the Name of the King 2, and a pitch for Alone in the Dark III. I know most people would fret over seeing Uwe's name attached to anything; but, I was planning to get Alone in the Dark III made and was real damn close too. This adaption was planned to be an actual adaption of the first video from the early 1990's.
As much as I love the Christophe Gans film and cannot wait to see the new film coming out at the end of the month. I would love to do a trilogy based on the Silent Hill series. My favorite of the games is Silent Hill 2; Silent Hill: Shattered Memories; and Silent Hill Origins. I would really love to portray James Sunderland in a Silent Hill 2 adaption. We did a fake trailer almost six years ago and for the time I liked it; I would like to go out and do another one just as a pitch to help achieve that goal.
Classes at this school are three a day, six total for the credit hours, so classes switched out everyday. I was in the middle of my teacher's assistant course where I helped out in the film class and I was offered a chance to go help out and get some hands on experience. Now, you got to understand something, this was not a normal hands on job. It was the real deal. I went up to the junior area where they were prepping everything. A woman who was like vulture got on me as soon as I stepped foot past the first class room got on me and after trying to explain to her that I was called; another producer came out and he greeted me and sent her off. He told me to come back at the end of the day and he'll show me the ropes.
I walk back down the hall closest to the building where my film class was at and I was kinda surprised by what I just experienced. I went back to talk to my teacher and she was excited that I am achieving what I want to do with my life and it was with such a major television show. I remember going back into the second studio in the building as the first studio with the control room was being used by the students who's papers I usually grade.
The feelings and thoughts going through my head were kinda like; "Wow! This is Lost and you are now a part it coming to life from production to screen." It was surreal. After the day passed and everyone was waiting for buses, I went up the hall that was filled with students who were told that they cannot go past this point. I go up to the security guard and I tell him that I was asked to be apart of helping around the show. After a minute, he asks for an ID and I pull out my military ID to verify that I am Stephen Flannery. After that, he let me go right past him and the producer who I met earlier greeted me. I signed some documents stating that I would not tell anyone what I saw until after it aired.
We proceeded to go around the sets that were created on campus. Since most of the classes are pretty much set as is, there's not much to do in terms of work. All I did was help place a few things here and there in the health room which doubled as some teacher's office. There was a silver plate and some glass tea sets and some other stuff around. Also, there was guys putting up these wooden plaques all over the filming area of the fake school. The school in this episode was called Corwin Heights which was supposedly out in California somewhere.
The producer and I talked about various stuff while going around and checking if everything was ready to go. First thing off the bat; "Do you watch Lost? Do you have any knowledge of the show?" I gave him the rundown on how I first saw the show. I was in Germany and I saw it dubbed in German before the government AFN stations got it for us to view in English. So, by the time season one was over, it was playing on those AFN stations. And that after I made it back to the U.S. and had cable and hundreds of other channels that my interest in the show was kinda lost; pun!
One of the main things that I had asked was what J.J. Abrams' input was because Cloverfield came out three months prior and I was wanting to know how he went back and fourth from Lost to Cloverfield. He told me, straight up, that it is all him. Something around the lines was said that J.J. comes in once a month and gives all the producers and others bottles of champagne and would tell them "Thank you for your hard work".
Met the actors; and seeing as this was a flashback segment being filmed here, I knew off the top of my head who this flashback was centered on. The producer, he asked me at one point if I knew who it could be. I told him and he kinda chuckled and just continued on. Several hours had passed it was finally getting late and we said our goodbyes and he wished me the best in my career as a filmmaker.
So, now we are onto the IMDB. I am having a problem getting this P.A. credit added. Besides one photo I have of me on the set, I do not have anything else to prove that I was even working on the show. After oddly going up against them for years on getting Maze of Thought, Crisis, and Truth in Meanings added; now they are fighting against me again and not believing that I did this. Here is the only photo that proves that I was on the set of Lost:
Now; for the "Selling Out" part of this blog entry. I know I wrote a shit ton all ready, but after everything that is going on, I feel like being a bit of an ass. I was discussing with my cousin The Evil Dead remake and the draft that was written by the director before Diablo Cody was brought in to give it a polish. This thing is fucking atrocious and it is nothing like the original Sam Raimi film. To sum the script, it has no soul that can be swallowed.
To spoil the draft of the script, the characters are one dimensional and you can honestly careless who is who. It likes to make you think that this character is the lead when all of the sudden it pulls a magic trick on you and this person is actually the lead. This film was made for nothing more to piss off fans. I feel this is straight up deliberate, maybe for hating on Spider-Man 3. There is no way that Sam Raimi could honestly feel this could compete with his original classic. With Diablo Cody doing a polish just makes it a million times worse. I hated her hipster bullshit dialog that she put in Juno and Jennifer's Body. I am not giving Young Adult a chance, seeing as how Charlize Theron's character in the trailer wants to court an ex-boyfriend who's now a married man, is fucking stupid.
So, with "CAMPAIGN" going on; I essentially realized that this is basically what selling out is, to the internet cool kids. So, without listing what "CAMPAIGN" is. I am going to create a list of stuff that I want to make or remake or a character I want to portray.
Turkish for Beginners
This is a German television series that was adapted into a film in 2012. After viewing the film and seeing some of the episodes of the television series; I would like to adapt the film for an English speaking audience. I felt that the film version worked a million times better than the show. With the show, it felt kinda incestuous as the two characters had lived under one roof for a certain amount of time and then they fall in love.
The film version plays out like a reluctant romantic comedy with a Cast Away type theme. A girl who is going on vacation with her crazed mother ends up stranded with a brother and sister and a Greek traveler who has a stutter. The girl tries to be the leader of the group and fails miserably and through a turn of events falls in love.
The Hitcher
Sadly, I feel that the 2007 remake did way too much damage to the original film. If Sean Bean was not playing John Ryder in it, I would completely disown the film. What I really loved about the original is the dedication that John Ryder has to destroy Jim. To show Jim what hell really is. The remake had no soul to it. Hell, the straight to video sequel The Hitcher II: I've Been Waiting... is a much better film that the 2007 remake.
Suzanne's Diary For Nicholas
It was given a television movie in 2005 with Christina Applegate. While the TV movie was all right, I felt there could have been more of an emotional punch with the material that James Patterson had written. I remember reading the book in 2007 and being amazed by it. This was completely different from most of the Alex Cross novels that I had written. I feel I could make a better adaption of this film.
Alone in the Dark
My close friends know that I was working with Uwe Boll in 2008 and that I was working on some stuff for him that went nowhere. Did a draft of Janjaweed aka Attack on Darfur, treatment for In the Name of the King 2, and a pitch for Alone in the Dark III. I know most people would fret over seeing Uwe's name attached to anything; but, I was planning to get Alone in the Dark III made and was real damn close too. This adaption was planned to be an actual adaption of the first video from the early 1990's.
Silent Hill
As much as I love the Christophe Gans film and cannot wait to see the new film coming out at the end of the month. I would love to do a trilogy based on the Silent Hill series. My favorite of the games is Silent Hill 2; Silent Hill: Shattered Memories; and Silent Hill Origins. I would really love to portray James Sunderland in a Silent Hill 2 adaption. We did a fake trailer almost six years ago and for the time I liked it; I would like to go out and do another one just as a pitch to help achieve that goal.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Writing Reviews are a Pain in the Ass aka Nothing!
I just finished writing a review on my Blu-ray blog of the double feature Blu-ray of The Crow: City of Angels and The Crow: Wicked Prayer. I forgot how much I fucking hated Wicked Prayer. That was a series where the first two films were enjoyable and then after that, it went downhill very fast. Watching Wicked Prayer tonight showed me how much I could just loathe a movie's existence. I was slacking hardcore last year as I wrote thirty-four reviews here and there. Then again, maybe I wasn't slacking; I just happened to have had things going on in my life where writing was a dead end.
Then again, I realized that writing reviews can be a real pain in the ass. I started The Avengers 3D and this thing is taking forever for me to finish the review. And you know what does it? Bonus materials. I made it through the 100 minute bonus Blu-ray disc from the Target exclusive of The Avengers 3D; now I just have to finish the bonus materials on the regular disc. Maybe I can get it done tomorrow before I head out.
Up above is the Blu-rays I got for my birthday. I scored Demolition Man for free at work. I had a pick of a $10 Blu-ray and I about grabbed Blitz with Jason Statham and then the other day at work, I went by the Blu-rays and saw that it had dropped down to $7.50. I was like; "SOB!" Turkish for Beginners is not pictured because it hasn't arrived yet. I think I might have gotten burned on that one because it might be a pirated copy. Like an idiot I am at times, I decided to look through the sellers feedback after I made the purchase and some of them said; "BD-R bootlegs! I calculated the prices and spent $79 on all those and that includes Turkish for Beginners, which isn't present.
I have been watching Thumps Up on Youtube. It is one of the greatest shows I have ever seen. Artist David Choe is now one of my heroes. He's hitchhiking across countries and documenting it. I stumbled across the third season of them in China and it's hands down one of the most amazing things I have ever seen.
Other than that, there isn't much to report. Getting ready to post some casting calls for "CAMPAIGN" and some pick up shots for Traumatic Possession 3D. And speaking of Traumatic Possession 3D, the title is going to be changed again to Traumatic Possession 3D - Part One: The Tape. After thinking about it, you have to sell the film to your audience and I felt just saying that the title is Traumatic Possession 3D wasn't fully going to sell it; adding the subtitle and "part one" to the title would tell you that there's going to be more than one film, because there is.
The sequel is Traumatic Possession 3D - Part Two: A New Beginning. When we did the drunken interview in 2011 for Into the Madness: A Documentary, I gave the whole spiel on what that subtitle was a reference too, yet at the same time explaining that the sequel is a reboot. We have the theatrical premiere on January 13th which is a Sunday at midnight. The DVD-R will be up on Amazon the following Tuesday which is January 15th. We will be launching a website in the next few months and try to create some webshows that we can then put out on DVD along with films we make. More content equals more dollars.
Good night, everyone.
P.S: To my fan who is posting in my comments section, go ahead and shoot me an email at oeastwood92189@gmail.com and I'll tell you what "CAMPAIGN" is. I am only letting a few people outside of the project know what it is.
Good night, everyone.
P.S: To my fan who is posting in my comments section, go ahead and shoot me an email at oeastwood92189@gmail.com and I'll tell you what "CAMPAIGN" is. I am only letting a few people outside of the project know what it is.
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